
Customer Service Manager Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Customer Service Manager interview, here are 30 interview questions and answer examples.

Customer Service Manager was updated by on February 26th, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 30

What has been your most quantifiable achievement as a Customer Service Manager, this year?

"I am very proud to say that, since taking over as the Customer Service Manager six months ago, my team has maintained a 96% satisfaction rating in the customer care department. Previously, the satisfaction rating was only 72%. I skyrocketed satisfaction numbers by re-engaging my team through small rewards, verbal recognition, and fun performance-based initiatives within the service department."

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30 Customer Service Manager Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Customer Service Manager interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 15 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Accomplishment

    1. What has been your most quantifiable achievement as a Customer Service Manager, this year?

  • Behavioral

    2. What will you do if an employee is not meeting their goals?

  • Compatibility

    3. What type of employees do you find challenging to manage?

  • Compatibility

    4. Describe your management style, and how it will align well with our company's philosophy.

  • Critical Thinking

    5. As a manager, what do you think of when a team member says they do not like 'micromanagement'?

  • Critical Thinking

    6. When you are ready to promote a team member, what factors to you consider?

  • Customer Service

    7. How do you go about requesting feedback from your customers?

  • Customer Service

    8. How do you feel about saying 'no' to a customer with unreasonable requests?

  • Customer Service

    9. What customer engagement strategy is the most rewarding for you?

  • Customer Service

    10. How do you define good customer service?

  • Customer Service

    11. What type of formal customer service training have you delivered?

  • Customer Service

    12. In your most recent position, what was the most common customer service issue you addressed?

  • Customer Service

    13. Tell me about the latest customer service approach you have implemented.

  • Diligence

    14. Who do you look to for advice on customer service, leadership, and best business practices?

  • Direct

    15. As a Customer Service Manager, you will be teaching and coaching on our organizations' culture. What do you know about our company culture?

  • Diversity

    16. When have you been a leader to a diverse group of people?

  • Experience

    17. Have you ever worked with a CRM or client management software?

  • Experience

    18. Have you ever helped to implement a significant company change in one of your past roles?

  • Experience

    19. What has made you ready for the responsibility of being a Customer Service Manager?

  • Job Satisfaction

    20. What tools do you and your team need to deliver excellent customer service?

  • Job Satisfaction

    21. What is your favorite aspect of being a leader?

  • Leadership

    22. What characteristics or events do you believe have contributed towards your success as a leader?

  • Leadership

    23. What type of rewards and recognition programs have you initiated in your management career?

  • Leadership

    24. How do you empower your staff to meet customer demands?

  • Management

    25. How do you go about requesting team members to offer overtime, work holidays, or be available on weekends?

  • Management

    26. What attributes do you look for when hiring new customer service representatives?

  • Management

    27. What is your favorite management tool, and how does it help you to achieve your goals?

  • Problem Solving

    28. What is the biggest challenge your current team faces, and what are you doing to alleviate the situation?

  • Problem Solving

    29. Talk about the last time you managed a conflict between two team members.

  • Teamwork

    30. How would you describe the culture of your current team?