
Boeing Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a Boeing job interview, here are 38 interview questions and answer examples.

Boeing was updated by on June 5th, 2023. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 38

How would you handle a situation here at Boeing in which you were presented with new material or a new task that you didn't understand?

"The first thing I would do if presented with new material I didn't understand would be to research the material on my own. I would spend enough time to make sure I understood the basic concepts involved. From there, I would ask my supervisor for clarification and guidance on how I could continue my education on the subject. This might include shadowing, practicing a new skill, or working with a new system.

I really enjoy learning new things and exploring new opportunities. Boeing has a strong track record of innovation and allowing employees to learn on the job. These are some of the main reasons I am excited about the possibility of joining your organization."

Next Question

38 Boeing Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Boeing Co. interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 15 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

Boeing is a leader in aerospace and defense with a long and impressive history of innovation, leadership, and growth. As a top US exporter with employees in over 65 countries, there are a wide variety of opportunities at Boeing to impact the world. Given Boeing's commitment to continual improvement, sustainability, and community engagement, the talent pool for any given job opportunity can be competitive. Therefore, it is critical to prepare properly for your upcoming interview. Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Do Your Research
If your time is limited, be sure to look over the general info page on Boeing's website. However, it is best to go much deeper. I recommend walking through their values, DE&I programs, blogs, sustainability reports, and global programs. This level of research will help you craft thoughtful and engaging responses likely to resonate with your interviewer.

2. Prove You are the Best Candidate
Be ready to prove how you stand out from your competition. Focus your thoughts on your analytical skills, experience with specific technologies and/or methodologies, leadership abilities, and communication skills. Boeing values candidates who can demonstrate excellence in these areas.

3. Develop a Compelling Why Statement
Top companies hire candidates that are excited about the work they will be doing. They want to hire candidates who want more than just a paycheck. This is especially true at Boeing. Knowing exactly why you want to work at Boeing and what you are most excited about will help you connect with your interviewer and convince them that you have the potential to go far at Boeing.

4. Prepare for a Panel
While some interviews at Boeing are conducted one-on-one, many candidates report participating in panel-style interviews. It is important you prepare yourself for this possibility. In order to be successful in this setting, it helps to learn the names and roles of your interviewers so you can address each of your interviewers specifically at some point in the interview. Spread your eye contact and attention around the room and do your best to keep everyone engaged.

In combination with the tips above, the questions and answer advice in this guide will raise your chances of success in your upcoming interview. While you may be asked questions outside of this guide during your specific interview, the time you spend researching and preparing responses is sure to help boost your confidence and set the stage for an excellent conversation with your interviewer(s) at Boeing.

  • Adaptability

    1. How would you handle a situation here at Boeing in which you were presented with new material or a new task that you didn't understand?

  • Adaptability

    2. Describe a time when you had to quickly adapt to a change at work. How will you be adaptable to change here at Boeing?

  • Behavioral

    3. What are your strengths that you would bring to the team at Boeing?

  • Behavioral

    4. When have you shown great integrity at work?

  • Behavioral

    5. How would you handle a coworker here at Boeing who was not doing their job?

  • Behavioral

    6. If hired at Boeing, how will you earn the trust of your new coworkers?

  • Behavioral

    7. How would you be able to manage the stress that comes with this role at Boeing?

  • Behavioral

    8. Tell me about a time when someone gave you difficult feedback on your work. How did you handle it?

  • Behavioral

    9. Tell me about the most challenging aspect of your previous job. How did you overcome it?

  • Behavioral

    10. Tell us about a time you successfully navigated conflict in the workplace.

  • Behavioral

    11. Tell me about a time when you reached a goal within a tight deadline. What did you learn from this situation that you can bring to our team at Boeing?

  • Behavioral

    12. How would you deal with a difficult client at Boeing?

  • Behavioral

    13. Tell us about a time when you faced an unexpected challenge at work. How did you handle it?

  • Behavioral

    14. How often do you think of innovations that will improve your work performance?

  • Behavioral

    15. How would you communicate with someone who has a different cultural background than you?

  • Career Goals

    16. What does success mean to you in your career?

  • Communication

    17. When you're leading or participating on a team, what steps do you take to get team members to contribute ideas?

  • Direct

    18. Why should we hire you?

  • Direct

    19. What do you know about Boeing?

  • Direct

    20. What makes you qualified for this role at Boeing?

  • Discovery

    21. How would your most recent manager describe you?

  • Discovery

    22. Tell me about yourself.

  • Discovery

    23. What are your weaknesses?

  • Discovery

    24. Why do you want to work for Boeing?

  • Discovery

    25. How would you describe your work ethic that you would bring to the Boeing team?

  • Discovery

    26. What are some ways you have worked to improve yourself over the past year?

  • Discovery

    27. Tell me about your experience working in this field. How can this experience apply to this role at Boeing?

  • Diversity

    28. At Boeing, we have a steadfast commitment to our company's equity, diversity, and inclusion plan. What does our commitment to D&I mean to you?

  • Experience

    29. Boeing values applying Lean principles to all that we do. What familiarity do you have with Lean principles?

  • Leadership

    30. How have you demonstrated leadership when you were not in a formal leadership role? How will this benefit the team here at Boeing?

  • Leadership

    31. Give me an example of a time when your communication style helped you to be a more effective leader on the job. How will your style of communication help you in this role with Boeing?

  • Operational

    32. At Boeing, how would you prioritize multiple projects when they all seem equally important?

  • Operational

    33. What steps would you take to make an important decision on the job here at Boeing?

  • Operational

    34. Safety is our top priority in the workplace at Boeing. How have you prioritized working under strict safety protocols during your career?

  • Problem Solving

    35. Rate your problem-solving skills that you would bring to the Boeing team from 1-10. How do you justify your rating?

  • Teamwork

    36. Tell me about a time when you had to work with another team to accomplish a goal. What did you learn from that experience that you can bring to Boeing?

  • Teamwork

    37. How have you made a positive impact on your team in the past?

  • Teamwork

    38. Tell me about a time you worked as part of a team to solve a problem. What role did you play on the team in this situation?

  • Questions to Ask Your Interviewer at Boeing

    While it can be a challenge to stay calm and answer all of the questions thrown at you in a Boeing interview, it is important to work in a few questions of your own. Asking compelling and thoughtful questions is a wonderful opportunity to impress your interviewer(s) and leave a lasting impression.

    The exact strategy to follow for asking questions depends on a few things. Obviously, you'll want to customize your questions to the requirements and maturity level of the role you're interviewing for. It is also important to ask questions that are a fit for the style of interview you're in (individual vs. panel). Finally, it helps to ask at least one question related to something specific that came up during your interview as this shows you are actively listening and engaged in the process.

    Regardless of your role, you may find the following questions helpful to you in preparation for your interview. It can be difficult for some candidates to come up with questions on the fly, so having a list of questions at the ready is a great way to ensure you take full advantage of your chance to ask a few of your own.

    1. I appreciate Boeing's commitment to sustainability. Can you tell me how your department specifically contributes to environmental sustainability?

    2. What is the biggest challenge the team(s) I will be working with face, and what could I do to help them address it?

    3. I am interested to learn more about the XYZ program (something specific like Leadership NeXt). Can you tell me about how candidates are identified?

    4. I am excited about the opportunity to work with XYZ technology if hired. Can you recommend any helpful educational resources I should explore?

    5. I know Boeing is a large company with many exciting opportunities. Can you describe some of the career path opportunities for the XYZ role?

    Boeing Company Culture

    Taking the time to learn about the culture of Boeing is a solid interview preparation activity. It will help you to know if you are a fit for their culture, and it will help you craft interview question responses in alignment with their values. Boeing has high expectations for their employees given the mission-critical nature of the products they develop. Knowing more about how they operate will help you convince your interviewer you will be able to fit in and quickly become a contributing member of Team Boeing.

    One of the best ways to learn about the culture at Boeing is to familiarize yourself with their values. As expected, they value teamwork, collaboration, safety, quality, and innovation, but a few things outside of the basic cultural expectations for a global aerospace and defense company stand out.

    First, Boeing strives for excellence. That's a high bar and they expect excellence in their engineering practices, leadership, and stakeholder relations. That's a well-rounded approach and they have a number of leadership development programs focused on fostering excellence in these areas.

    Second, Boeing is all about reducing waste. This is evident in their commitment to sustainable environmental practices, but it is also core to how they operate. They encourage their employees to 'crush bureaucracy' in favor of streamlined processes that save time and energy in addition to the responsible use of materials. They value lean principles and reward team members who can eliminate rework and maximize value.

    Finally, Boeing's values page states that they "foster a Just Culture grounded in humility, inclusion, and transparency." That's a powerful statement about their culture. They speak about fair treatment that allows team members to make mistakes, be accountable, and learn so that they can grow together as a team. Boeing also states that they seek to incorporate and amplify global perspectives which is a demonstration of their commitment to diversity.

    Given the values of Boeing, it is important to be ready to demonstrate how you have shown excellence, applied lean principles, and are in alignment with the Just Culture of Boeing. Proving your ability to thrive in these areas can serve as a means of impressing your interviewers to set yourself apart from the other talented individuals interviewing for the job you want.

    About the Author

    As a former technologist, I was excited when I learned I would be working on the Boeing Q&A set. I knew going in that Boeing had a strong track record of innovation and excellence when it comes to their use of technology, but I learned so much more when I dug in to research the company. Here are a few things that impressed me personally:

    Product Development Process Maturity
    I spent time digging through the open roles at Boeing and I noticed roles that indicate that the process of developing products at Boeing is advanced. They know their stuff! For example, they employ multiple levels of scrum masters. This means they assign highly skilled and advanced product development facilitators to teams working on mission-critical projects. Additionally, some of their teams utilize SAFe (scaled agile framework). This means Boeing understands how to bridge multiple teams together in a scaled agile setting for maximum collaboration and success. That's important!

    Lean Practices
    Boeing leverages lean principles within their manufacturing sectors, software engineering, and operations groups. This means they understand how to maximize value, ensure quality, and reduce waste. Each of these practices is good for the company, good for its clients, and in theory, good for the employees of Boeing.

    Well Developed Careers Site
    The career coach in me really appreciated Boeing's careers pages. They are very clear about what they are looking for in each of the roles listed. They offer a breakdown of responsibilities and the types of traits/soft skills needed. They use descriptive language such as 'relentless improvements' and 'thinking beyond boundaries'. They also offer salary range, benefits, and relocation assistance information. All of this tells me that Boeing is committed to identifying candidates that are a great fit for their needs and their culture.

    Talent Development and Long-Term Career Options
    Boeing has a strong internship program. This is a smart move in my opinion. They invest in bringing young talent in, showing them the world of Boeing, and then convincing the best to come back and work full-time. Programs like these help to develop future leaders, and Boeing isn't shy about their preference for promoting from within. They also have a well-developed leadership program, a healthy list of business resource groups, demonstrated commitment to hiring veterans, and several continual learning programs. If the idea of working your way up in a company like Boeing sounds appealing, they may be the perfect fit for you!

    In summary, there are always new and exciting opportunities at Boeing that offer a wide range of benefits. No matter what type of role you are interested in, landing a job at Boeing results in an impressive addition to your future resume. I hope this Q&A set has helped you prepare and boost your excitement about your upcoming interview at Boeing. I wish you success, and I encourage you to keep Boeing on your radar in the future!

    Learn more about Karrie Day