
Continuous Improvement Engineer Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Continuous Improvement Engineer interview, here are 30 interview questions and answer examples.

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Question 1 of 30

What does kaizen mean to you?

"To me, kaizen is not just implementing changes here and there or conducting structured events every so often. Kaizen is a way of thinking where one is always questioning how things are done and looking for opportunities to make things better. I live and breathe kaizen at work and home. I am always looking for ways in which I can streamline and improve my day-to-day activities. I am constantly looking for small improvements in the workplace that will make work easier and more efficient for myself others."

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30 Continuous Improvement Engineer Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Continuous Improvement Engineer interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 15 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. What does kaizen mean to you?

  • 2. What is the difference in a lean activity and cost reduction activity?

  • 3. What is your biggest weakness? or, What do you think your biggest hurdle would be regarding this position?

  • 4. Why did you decide to pursue a career in engineering? More specifically, what made you interested to study Continuous Improvement?

  • 5. Why are you interested in this industry?

  • 6. Making changes is a core part of a CI engineer's job function. How do you make sure that the changes you implement don't cause adverse effects on quality or other KPIs?

  • 7. Please give an example of a large project which you have sucessfully managed.

  • 8. What are your technical abilities outside of CI (CAD, PLCs, Maintenance, etc.)?

  • 9. What is your level of understanding of financial statments as they apply to operations?

  • 10. After you have implemented a change to a job, you have a particular team-member who refuses to adhere to the change. How do you handle this?

  • 11. How do you go about building rapport with a team that you will be working with?

  • 12. How do you go about completing a time study on a process you are unfamilair with?

  • 13. How do you use Value Stream Mapping to drive improvement?

  • 14. Are you familiar with the 8 wastes? How do you go about reducing waste in the workplace?

  • 15. How do you handle conflict in the workplace?

  • 16. Why are you interested in the role of Continuous Improvement Engineer?

  • 17. Why is standardized work important?

  • 18. Please explain the importance of a pull-system and how you may go about implementing a pull-system in a new work place.

  • 19. How do you handle feedback?

  • 20. Once you identify a potential project, how do you evaluate if it is a worthwhile use of resources?

  • 21. Why is 5S important in the workplace?

  • 22. If you identify an opportunity to reduce a position (or positions), how do you go about explaining this to the workforce?

  • 23. What is Takt Time is, and how it should be utilized to manage a process?

  • 24. What is your experience leading kaizen events?

  • 25. How does the concept of Heijunka apply to day to day operations in a manufacturing setting?

  • 26. What is your ideal career path, how does this position fit into your long-term career aspirations?

  • 27. Please explain your understanding of cause and countermeasure.

  • 28. When going to a new area, you will be faced with many problems of different types and scopes. How would you decide what to work on first?

  • 29. How do you use structured problem solving to make improvements?

  • 30. Tell me about a time when you engaged other team-members and utilized their feedback to make an improvement.