
First Time Manager Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your first manager job interview, here are 40 interview and answer examples.

New Manager was updated by on March 13th, 2024. Learn more here.

Question 20 of 40

Since this is your first management opportunity, how can we best support you to ensure your success?

"Thank you for asking this question. I appreciate that Company ABC has expressed a desire to help me succeed in this role. As an ambitious and enthusiastic new manager, I value active and positive support from my leaders and training-based opportunities for my team members. When I am equipped with the right tools to boost my team's knowledge base, I can generate the strongest results. These resources might come in the form of continued education opportunities or internal training. My ultimate goal is to succeed as a new manager while empowering my team members to do their best work. Could you share with me the tools and resources Company ABC has available to help new managers and their teams to succeed?"

Next Question

How to Answer: Since this is your first management opportunity, how can we best support you to ensure your success?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for an Entry-Level Manager job interview.

  • 20. Since this is your first management opportunity, how can we best support you to ensure your success?

      How to Prep

      If you are asked questions about the support that you need to succeed as a new manager, this is a sign that this is a mindful company that values its people. Remember that a great manager is focused on the logistics of managing people, projects, and more while also focusing on the soft skills required to lead effectively. Some resources that a new manager may need to succeed include:

      - Access to a mentorship program. Managers need to grow and learn from their leaders, as well!
      - Resources for their team members to encourage knowledge building.
      - An innovative leadership team steering the ship.

      First, consider the resources you believe a new manager needs to succeed in general. Then, think about what you specifically need to excel in your role. When you express your needs, be as specific as possible. At the end of your response, think about asking a direct question regarding the tools and resources that will be made available to you.

      Written by Rachelle Enns on April 16th, 2021

      Answer Example

      "Thank you for asking this question. I appreciate that Company ABC has expressed a desire to help me succeed in this role. As an ambitious and enthusiastic new manager, I value active and positive support from my leaders and training-based opportunities for my team members. When I am equipped with the right tools to boost my team's knowledge base, I can generate the strongest results. These resources might come in the form of continued education opportunities or internal training. My ultimate goal is to succeed as a new manager while empowering my team members to do their best work. Could you share with me the tools and resources Company ABC has available to help new managers and their teams to succeed?"

      Written by Rachelle Enns on April 16th, 2021

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "Thank you for asking. For me, I am going to want to jump right into work, seeing where we can take the camps and programs, where we can improve, and try different ideas to reach a larger audience. I will need clear goals and objectives, and positive feedback to ensure that I am on the correct track. I appreciate having regular meetings, more frequent in the beginning and once I have my legs, less often. Establish a rapport and open dialogue, knowing that I will have the support and be provided with opportunities for growth and improvement through continuing education, going to conferences, but also internal training support. I appreciate a well-thought-out onboarding process with checklists.

      Ultimately, my goal is to succeed while also ensuring my team succeeds."

      Jaymie's Feedback
