
Marketing Project Manager Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Marketing Project Manager interview, here are 26 interview questions and answer examples.

Marketing Project Manager was updated by on July 26th, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 26

What is your communication style? Cite an example of how it helped move a project along.

"I like to over-communicate to ensure that nothing gets lost in the fold. For example, after sending post-meeting action items through email, I will assign tasks through the project tracker with clear notes. Then, I will continue to reach out to the task owners for real-time updates. Once, I had a team member whose deliverable was due in a day but was unresponsive. I sent a note through the project tracker and followed up through email, but still couldn't get a hold of them. I decided to call their personal phone and found out they lost their internet connection for the day and wouldn't be able to make the deadline. I made the call to re-assign to another team member immediately. Ultimately, I don't mind sounding like a parrot if that means tasks are completed on time and to standards."

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26 Marketing Project Manager Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Marketing Project Manager interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 12 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Behavioral

    1. What is your communication style? Cite an example of how it helped move a project along.

  • Behavioral

    2. What do you like and dislike about working with creatives?

  • Behavioral

    3. What is your experience in handling multiple projects simultaneously? How many is too many?

  • Behavioral

    4. What do you hope to achieve in the next five years?

  • Behavioral

    5. Describe a time when you received difficult feedback as a project manager.

  • Competency

    6. What is your experience interacting with and presenting to C-Level executives or senior leaders?

  • Competency

    7. How do you determine your success in managing client relationships?

  • Competency

    8. What project management methodology do you think works best for marketing campaigns? Talk about your reasons for choosing this methodology.

  • Competency

    9. Which tools do you prefer to use to track progress on your projects?

  • Competency

    10. Can you give an example of a successful project kickoff meeting?

  • Competency

    11. Describe a time when you needed to escalate an issue. What were your reasons and what was the outcome?

  • Competency

    12. What is your formula for successful project meetings?

  • Competency

    13. Provide an example of a time you encountered scope creep one and how you handled it.

  • Competency

    14. What kind of experience do you have managing budgets?

  • Competency

    15. What are some risks and issues you've dealt with in the past during projects?

  • Competency

    16. Do you prefer to handle things yourself or to delegate to others?

  • Competency

    17. You're bombarded with heated emails between your client and one of your colleagues. It looks like the client is expecting a deliverable that's outside of the contract. How would you proceed?

  • Leadership

    18. Your team is starting to lose confidence. How do you show them that you have their back?

  • Leadership

    19. Tell me about your favorite manager (anyone you directly reported to). What qualities did they have that really stood out to you?

  • Leadership

    20. Describe a time when you worked cross functionally on a project. What did you differently to manage it well?

  • Leadership

    21. How would your previous stakeholders and team members describe you as a leader?

  • Scenario

    22. You need the client to make a decision on marketing strategy. However, there are two decision-makers and they can't seem to agree. How do you proceed?

  • Scenario Based Project Manager

    23. Two project team members are not seeing eye to eye on a decision point. How will you handle the conflict to keep the project on track?

  • Scenario Based Project Manager

    24. A project manager has left a client's project in your hands abruptly. How do you handle this transition?

  • Scenario Based Project Manager

    25. You're given a chance to pick a failed project and do it over. Walk me through your plan for success.

  • Scenario Based Project Manager

    26. A project manager has left a client's project in your hands abruptly. How do you handle this transition?