
Design Consultant Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Design Consultant interview, here are 30 interview questions and answer examples.

Design Consultant was updated by on March 14th, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 30

Looking at your design portfolio, which project makes you most proud, and why?

"I have had the opportunity to have worked on many projects that make me proud. One project in my portfolio that makes me feel proud was a bookstore that I worked on a couple of years ago. The owner was so knowledgeable about his merchandise and the retail industry but struggled with presenting his vision. We worked together and came up with color schemes, room layouts, and furniture ideas. This project has a special place for me because we worked so well to come up with a quaint and welcoming space that he and his customers love. I checked in with this client six months after his re-design, and he reported that sales had increased by 28%, which I thought was incredible! I enjoy the most are when I can work with small business owners to bring their vision to life. I love helping them set up their shops and displays in a visually appealing way that also optimizes sales and the customer experience. It's rewarding to work with business owners who have a clear vision of what they want to draw out of a well-thought-out space."

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30 Design Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Design Consultant interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 10 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Accomplishment

    1. Looking at your design portfolio, which project makes you most proud, and why?

  • Behavioral

    2. How do you handle stressful situations, such as collaborating with uncooperative architects or tradespeople?

  • Behavioral

    3. Tell me about a time that you failed. How did you get back up again?

  • Behavioral

    4. How do you gain buy-in from your client when presenting a design concept?

  • Behavioral

    5. Do you work well under pressure? Give me an example of a time when you succeeded under immense pressure.

  • Career Goals

    6. When did you realize you wanted to be a Design Consultant? What initially sparked your passion for design?

  • Career Goals

    7. Talk about your career goals as a Design Consultant and why this job is right for you at this time in your career.

  • Career Goals

    8. What type of projects would you like to be involved in, to expand your design portfolio?

  • Common

    9. Tell me about your design-related education.

  • Communication

    10. How do you build rapport with your clients?

  • Communication

    11. Tell me about a time when your design idea clashed with the vision of your client or a team member.

  • Compatibility

    12. If we hire you as our Design Consultant, how will you make a positive contribution to our design firm?

  • Competency

    13. What kind of discovery questions do you ask your clients before beginning a new project?

  • Competency

    14. What tech and tools do you use to support your design process?

  • Creative Thinking

    15. Outside of work, what type of creative activities do you like to pursue?

  • Creative Thinking

    16. Tell me about your ideal design project. If you could conceptualize anything from start to finish, what would it be?

  • Customer Service

    17. Have you ever received a negative review from a client?

  • Diligence

    18. What resources or publications do you lean on to keep current with design trends?

  • Diligence

    19. How do you market yourself as a Design Consultant? What is your 'elevator pitch' with potential clients?

  • Experience

    20. Do you prefer functionality or appeal? Support your preference.

  • Experience

    21. What do you know about sustainable design?

  • Gallup

    22. Do you consider yourself someone direct and forthright with others?

  • Job Satisfaction

    23. Tell me your favorite, and least favorite, aspects of your current or most recent position.

  • Problem Solving

    24. Tell me about a time when a client was upset with a design choice you made. How did you handle the situation?

  • Problem Solving

    25. Tell me about a time when you had to work with a difficult client. How did you approach communicating with this client?

  • Scenario Based

    26. Tell me about a design project that did not turn out as expected. What were the contributing factors, and how did you ensure a positive result?

  • Teamwork

    27. When it comes to project collaboration versus working independently, what is your preference, and why?

  • Teamwork

    28. How well do you collaborate with others when it comes to design, style, and project vision?

  • Teamwork

    29. Describe a successful team-based design project. What was your role within the team, and how did you contribute to the projects' success?

  • Tough

    30. Tell me something about yourself that I wouldn't know from reading your resume.