
Scenario Based Project Manager Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Scenario Based Project Manager interview, here are 25 interview questions and answer examples.

Scenario Based Project Manager was updated by on September 5th, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 25

A project manager has left and their project is now in your hands. How do you handle this transition?

"When I applied at ABC agency, I knew that I would be managing a campaign already in progress. By then, the PM had already been gone for weeks. My first step was to connect with the business development strategist who scoped and closed the contract with the client. I needed to understand the contract, billables, and the client's goals. Next, I reviewed the project tracker and other documentation to understand the targets, deadlines, and manage the team moving forward. Lastly, I met with the team for introductions and clearly asserted myself as the project manager. In about two weeks, I was pretty confident about being the main point of contact."

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25 Scenario Based Project Manager Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Scenario Based Project Manager interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 10 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Adaptability

    1. A project manager has left and their project is now in your hands. How do you handle this transition?

  • Communication

    2. After a few project meetings, you're finding that there aren't any concrete steps from stakeholders, just a lot of ideas. How will you manage execution?

  • Communication

    3. What is your communication style? Cite an example of how it helped move a project along.

  • Communication

    4. During on-boarding at a new company, you find out that the project management office strictly adheres to a specific methodology. However, you think a different approach will fit your first project better. What do you do?

  • Competency

    5. You have been tasked to manage market expansion into a completely new location. What are your first steps?

  • Competency

    6. You're managing the launch and implementation of a new operational process for the entire business. You're told to focus on doing things right, versus doing things fast. How will you oversee quality in your plan?

  • Competency

    7. You're reviewing bids for a building's new wing. You find that the most competent firm is also the most expensive. In fact, hiring them would take the project over the budget. Would you persuade leadership to hire them? Why or why not?

  • Conflict

    8. It's your first hour at work and you're bombarded with heated emails between your client and one of your colleagues. It looks like the client is expecting a deliverable that's outside of the contract. How would you proceed?

  • Conflict

    9. Two project team members are not seeing eye to eye on a decision point. How will you handle the conflict to keep the project on track?

  • Customer Service

    10. The client or project sponsor is unhappy with the initial outcome of the project. How will you move forward and keep their confidence in you as the project manager?

  • Diligence

    11. You're given a chance to pick a failed project and do it over. Walk me through your plan for success.

  • Diligence

    12. Your project is slated to have three phases over three years. Each phase will have the same milestones, just different locations. Stakeholders are likely to change. How will you ensure consistency across three phases?

  • Leadership

    13. Your team is starting to lose confidence. How do you show them that you have their back?

  • Management

    14. Team member A is waiting for a deliverable from team member B. After following up with team member B, they still miss their deadline. What are your next steps?

  • Management

    15. Can you give an example of a successful project kickoff meeting?

  • Problem Solving

    16. At the beginning of a project, you missed a major stakeholder in the project plan. Now, the project is well underway and you have to catch them up. How do you ensure they get involved?

  • Problem Solving

    17. Tell me about the most notable risk you have identified in a project?

  • Problem Solving

    18. You're halfway through a project and notice that you definitely missed a significant milestone. You realize you will probably need to rework the entire project. How do you proceed?

  • Problem Solving

    19. It's three days before launch and your co-worker announces that they aren't able to deliver, and in fact have not worked on their last few deliverables. What would you do?

  • Scenario Based

    20. You're working on a confidential project. There's a task that can only be completed by an employee who isn't allowed to learn about the details of the project. What will you do to complete the task?

  • Scenario Based

    21. The project you're assigned to has undefined target metrics. Explain how you would proceed and how your plan will benefit the project.

  • Scenario Based

    22. You're currently handling two top-priority projects that are likely to be extended. Another one has just been assigned, and it will definitely require a lot of time and attention. How do you approach the situation?

  • Teamwork

    23. A team member has just told you that they are not 100% satisfied with their deliverable and will need another week to complete. How would you handle this situation?

  • Teamwork

    24. You're managing the marketing and sales project for a new product. It's now two months before launch, and you have yet to see a prototype from the development team. How do you proceed?

  • Time Management

    25. After completing your standard employee on-boarding at a new role, you find out that you won't be assigned a project for another two weeks. What do you do with your time?