
Learning Director Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Learning Director interview, here are 35 interview questions and answer examples.

Learning Director was updated by on September 3rd, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 35

Talk about a time when you had to mediate between training leaders. How did you handle the conflict and what was the outcome?

"During my time at 123 Incorporated, I was managing two training supervisors. One managed trainers who facilitated classes in customer service skills such as effective communication, active listening, and other soft skills. The other managed hard skills trainers who facilitated sessions in computer navigation, data processing, and the like. Let's refer to the soft skills supervisor as Supervisor A and the hard skills supervisor as Supervisor B.

One day, Supervisor B came to me to complain that she felt she shouldn't be the one developing the plan for a course on email etiquette. Because email writing is a communication skill, she thought it should be assigned to Supervisor A. I asked her why she took on the task to begin with. She mentioned that she was intimidated by Supervisor A. I asked what the other supervisor had done to make her feel that way, and she answered that there were a couple of incidents during which Supervisor A was complaining out loud to the entire team about his bandwidth. Supervisor A was feeling overwhelmed with his tasks and was vocal about not taking on more work. At that point, Supervisor B had only been in the company for two months. My first step was to speak with Supervisor A separately about his current workload. He mentioned that he had been having difficulty managing his time but was not aware that Supervisor B had taken on the email etiquette course. He also mentioned that one of his trainers was experienced in the subject and would be happy to work with Supervisor B. Next, I had all three subordinates in a meeting to plan our way forward. We were able to delegate tasks reasonably in which Supervisor B would oversee the training plan from the trainer, and Supervisor A would work with Supervisor B on feedback."

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35 Learning Director Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Learning Director interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 15 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Behavioral

    1. Talk about a time when you had to mediate between training leaders. How did you handle the conflict and what was the outcome?

  • Behavioral

    2. Have you ever received negative feedback after facilitating an employee training session? If so, how did you respond?

  • Behavioral

    3. How do you manage stress in the workplace?

  • Behavioral

    4. What challenges do you anticipate in this Learning Director role? How will you meet those challenges?

  • Behavioral

    5. You have the opportunity to pick a training program and revise it. What would you pick and how would you improve it?

  • Competency

    6. What learning program that you developed are you most proud of? Talk about what makes it impactful for you.

  • Competency

    7. How do you track and monitor the effectiveness of training sessions?

  • Competency

    8. Describe your experience in human resource management or managing the employee lifecycle. Specifically, talk about your involvement with recruitment, compensation and benefits, employee relations, or employee engagement.

  • Competency

    9. Provide examples of problems in the workplace that training would not be able to solve. Talk about the different reasons behind your examples.

  • Competency

    10. What is your preferred Learning Management System? Talk about its pros and cons.

  • Competency

    11. What experience or credentials set you apart as a Learning Director?

  • Leadership

    12. When hiring new trainers or training specialists, what competencies and qualities do you look for?

  • Leadership

    13. What qualities do you believe make an excellent Learning Director?

  • Leadership

    14. Have you ever managed training managers? Walk me through your management style and why it works for you.

  • Leadership

    15. It's your first day as the Learning Director at a new company. What would your day look like?

  • Leadership

    16. What is your experience in working cross-functionally with other departments? Talk about how you collaborated with other leaders.

  • Leadership

    17. How would your subordinates describe you?

  • Leadership

    18. Talk about your favorite manager. What qualities did they have that stood out to you the most?

  • Strategy

    19. You're tasked to create a new training program by the executive leadership team. What pieces of information would you ask for first?

  • Strategy

    20. How do you keep up with new developments and trends in employee training and development?

  • Strategy

    21. Why is it necessary to conduct a training needs analysis? Provide reasons and examples.

  • Strategy

    22. How do you decide what instructional design methodology to follow? Talk about your process.

  • Strategy

    23. Describe a time when you had to sell an idea or change someone's mind.

  • Strategy

    24. Why do training programs fail? Walk me through a few different reasons.

  • Training And Development Manager

    25. How do you adapt when you need to make last-minute changes to a training program?

  • Training and Development Manager

    26. What kind of training materials have you developed from scratch? Talk about how you decide which type of material to develop.

  • Training and Development Manager

    27. If you had to improve in one area of instruction or communication, what would it be?

  • Training and Development Manager

    28. Describe a time during which you had to leverage data in order to make a decision.

  • Training and Development Manager

    29. Talk about the last time you were in the learner seat. What did you learn and how did you feel about it?

  • Training and Development Manager

    30. What is your learning and development philosophy and how do you apply this philosophy in your work?

  • Training and Development Manager

    31. How do you determine which delivery method to use to ensure the best learning experience?

  • Training and Development Manager

    32. How do you ensure that training programs are strategically aligned with business goals?

  • Training and Development Manager

    33. Walk me through your experience in facilitating adult education.

  • Training and Development Manager

    34. What are creative ways in which you engage employees during training?

  • Training and Development Manager

    35. How do you ensure that your employee training sessions are effective?