
Fintech Data Analyst Mock Interview

Question 24 of 30 for our Fintech Data Analyst Mock Interview

Fintech Data Analyst was written by on January 26th, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 24 of 30

What are your goals for the future?

"As someone who has been in the fintech data analysis field for several years now, I know that this is the career for me and what I want to continue doing. Professionally, my goals include continuing to gain more knowledge and experience so that I can eventually move into a management role. I really look up to my current manager and would love to lead a team of fintech data analysts one day as well. I am coming into this experience with the hope that I will be able to stay with the company for the long term, as long as I'm continuing to grow and learn."

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How to Answer: What are your goals for the future?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a Fintech Data Analyst job interview.

  • 24. What are your goals for the future?

      How to Answer

      Most interviewers are looking for a candidate to hire who will want to stay with the company for some time after they've been trained. This question is their way of scoping out what your future plans are and whether they include staying with the company or moving on. Be honest in your answer but definitely emphasize your loyalty and desire to grow within the company.

      Written by Marcie Wilmot on January 26th, 2021

      Answer Example

      "As someone who has been in the fintech data analysis field for several years now, I know that this is the career for me and what I want to continue doing. Professionally, my goals include continuing to gain more knowledge and experience so that I can eventually move into a management role. I really look up to my current manager and would love to lead a team of fintech data analysts one day as well. I am coming into this experience with the hope that I will be able to stay with the company for the long term, as long as I'm continuing to grow and learn."

      Written by Marcie Wilmot on January 26th, 2021