
TSB Bank Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a TSB Bank job interview, here are 35 interview questions and answer examples.

TSB Bank was updated by on July 25th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 35

Did you have any difficulty finding your way here? How was the drive in?

"The drive was great. Honestly, I zone out when I'm in my car. I love my car. I keep it like new and always use that time to listen to audiobooks, podcasts, or NPR and catch up on my news."

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35 TSB Bank Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our TSB Bank interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 12 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Attendance

    1. Did you have any difficulty finding your way here? How was the drive in?

  • Behavioral

    2. Tell us your top three strengths and how they'll make an impact at TSB Bank.

  • Behavioral

    3. What prompted you to compete for this position?

  • Behavioral

    4. Tell me about what you enjoyed most about working with your favorite manager.

  • Behavioral

    5. Share your definition of success.

  • Behavioral

    6. Who is your hero?

  • Behavioral

    7. If you could invite any three guests, living or dead, over for dinner, who would you invite, and what would you serve them for dinner?

  • Career Goals

    8. Tell me the steps you took to achieve your most recently accomplished career goal.

  • Career Goals

    9. Where do you see your career progressing over the next five years?

  • Career Goals

    10. What are you hoping to accomplish by joining the TSB Bank team?

  • Career Goals

    11. How did you overcome the greatest challenge you’ve faced in your career so far?

  • Career Goals

    12. Why pursue a career in the banking industry?

  • Communication

    13. How would you rate your performance in this interview?

  • Communication

    14. How would you respond to a customer complaint?

  • Customer Service

    15. What is the worst banking experience you've had?

  • Customer Service

    16. Give me an example of a time you provided an above and beyond customer service experience.

  • Education

    17. How has your educational experience prepared you for the job expectations for this opportunity at TSB Bank?

  • Education

    18. If I never heard of TSB Bank, what would you want me to know?

  • Education

    19. How do you keep your knowledge up to date with the continuing developments in the banking industry?

  • Education

    20. In your opinion, what are the benefits of banking with TSB Bank?

  • EQ

    21. The banking industry can be stressful. Tell me about a time you worked in a high-pressure situation.

  • EQ

    22. How would you deal with an irate customer?

  • EQ

    23. How receptive are you to criticism?

  • Experience

    24. How do you check your work for accuracy?

  • Experience

    25. You have two quarters, eight dimes, three nickels, and one penny. Using all but three of your coins, what coins do you use to pay for an ice cream for $0.95?

  • Experience

    26. Tell me about your experience in high-level cash handling.

  • Experience

    27. What methods do you employ to pay attention to the finer details when distracted or engaging in customer interactions?

  • Experience

    28. How do you stay organized?

  • Experience

    29. How do you respond to problems that require a quick solution?

  • Experience

    30. Describe a difficult problem and how you approached it.

  • Experience

    31. How do you work in environments with people different from you?

  • Experience

    32. Tell me about your experience in the banking industry.

  • Product Knowledge

    33. Out of all of our products at TSB Bank, which one would you be most likely to recommend, and why?

  • Trust

    34. Tell me about a time you showed integrity in your work.

  • Trust

    35. Tell me about a time you demonstrated trustworthiness.