
Newcastle Building Society Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a Newcastle Building Society job interview, here are 27 interview questions and answer examples.

Newcastle Building Society was updated by on July 23rd, 2020. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 27

Discuss a time that you worked a client through a difficult financial situation. What were the keys to making it a success for the client?

"During the recession in 2008, I had a very large client call to request that all of his funds be pulled out of the stock market. Knowing that this move was a very poor strategy, I needed him to hear that in most personal and educated way possible. With an active listening approach, I repeated back what he had told me and I reiterated that he wanted to sell them at a low price and hopefully buy them back down the road at a high price. This made the client take a pause and think. This was my opportunity to talk about market history and the odds that his stock prices would rebound over time. He decided to keep his funds in the market at the time and a few years down the road, he called to personally thank me for the sound advice. The fact that I took a personal approach while educating him in the process to make his own decision was the definite key to success in this situation."

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27 Newcastle Building Society Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Newcastle Building Society interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 20 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. Discuss a time that you worked a client through a difficult financial situation. What were the keys to making it a success for the client?

  • 2. Newcastle Building Society strives for client loyalty to keep us running strong into the future. What do you feel are the keys to retaining clients for the long haul?

  • 3. What software programs do you use in your current work and how adaptable would you say that you are in learning and using new programs?

  • 4. The clients of a financial firm like Newcastle Building Society can display an arrange of emotions when they work with our Client Services team. How would you handle a situation where a client was very angry?

  • 5. Here at Newcastle Building Society, we are expecting someone with strong leadership skills to take this role. How would you describe your management style?

  • 6. We pride ourselves on our interdepartmental teamwork here at Newcastle Building Society. If hired for this role, what kind of team player could we expect you to be?

  • 7. If you joined the team here at Newcastle Building Society, how would you build relationships with those that you would be working closely with?

  • 8. The day-to-day life at Newcastle Building Society can be hectic and stressful at times. If hired for this role, how would you keep yourself motivated when working with stressed colleagues and pushy clients?

  • 9. What programming languages would you consider yourself fluent in?

  • 10. What key skills can your bring to the clients of Newcastle Building Society in administering their trusts and estates?

  • 11. Take a couple of minutes to sell this notepad to me.

  • 12. What SDLC models are you familiar in working with?

  • 13. One huge philosophy that we believe in at Newcastle Building Society is professional development. How have you worked to develop yourself professionally throughout your career?

  • 14. Here at Newcastle Building Society, we ask our test engineers to follow specific QA protocols. What role do you feel QA plays in software development and testing?

  • 15. Our clients here at Newcastle Building Society expect top-tier service and products and we will expect you to do just that in this role. Have you ever went the extra mile for a client when it wasn't expected? Why did you do so?

  • 16. Think back over your career up to today and tell me about the most difficult day on the job you encountered. What made the day difficult and how did you handle that situation?

  • 17. How do you stay on top of new trends in the financial services industry?

  • 18. Why would our clients here at Newcastle Building Society want you to be their financial advisor?

  • 19. How can Newcastle Building Society motivate you on the job?

  • 20. How long will it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our team at Newcastle Building Society?

  • 21. If hired here at Newcastle Building Society to work with our clients on wealth management strategies, what would you consider to be your preferred wealth management strategies?

  • 22. If you were having an interaction with a client here at Newcastle Building Society and you weren't able to answer their question or solve their problem on your own, how would you handle that situation?

  • 23. We want our advising team at Newcastle Building Society to be happy and healthy. How do you manage the day to day stress of being a financial advisor?

  • 24. If hired to this role here at Newcastle Building Society, what do you see as one initial hurdle you will have to overcome in your first weeks on the job?

  • 25. Talk about your experience in mortgage loan closing. How would this experience be beneficial to our team here at Newcastle Building Society?

  • 26. Customer service is the name of our game at Newcastle Building Society. If hired for this role, how would you be able to provide the best customer service possible to our clients?

  • 27. How do you believe your coworkers would describe you?