
PIMCO Mock Interview

Question 2 of 30 for our PIMCO Mock Interview

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Question 2 of 30

Wealth management is an all encompassing term. How would you explain what we do at PIMCO to someone unfamiliar with our company?

"For someone who is not familiar with PIMCO or even the term wealth management, I would describe the services as services for the affluent that include financial planning, portfolio management, and investment guidance. From research, I understand that the top products offered at PIMCO include (A), (B), and (C) which fall into these categories."

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How to Answer: Wealth management is an all encompassing term. How would you explain what we do at PIMCO to someone unfamiliar with our company?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a PIMCO job interview.

  • 2. Wealth management is an all encompassing term. How would you explain what we do at PIMCO to someone unfamiliar with our company?

      How to Answer

      The term 'wealth management' can become fuzzy as there are many interpretations, along with a plethora of companies that offer wealth and financial investment services and products. The interviewer wants to see that you have conducted ample research on PIMCO. Briefly discuss what you understand PIMCO to do, in a way that anyone outside of the industry could follow.

      1st Answer Example

      "For someone who is not familiar with PIMCO or even the term wealth management, I would describe the services as services for the affluent that include financial planning, portfolio management, and investment guidance. From research, I understand that the top products offered at PIMCO include (A), (B), and (C) which fall into these categories."

      2nd Answer Example

      "The easiest way to understand wealth management, and what you do at PIMCO is the structured management of money, for those who are affluent, conscious about making their money work for them and conscious of planning for life's milestones such as retirement."