
Auditor Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Auditor interview, here are 25 interview questions and answer examples.

Auditor was updated by on January 26th, 2019. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 25

Have you ever had a documentation error occur during the auditing process? How did you handle it?

"Yes. When I was in my first year of auditing, I provided one document that should have been excluded. The external auditors ripped that apart and requested more documentation to follow up. My manager came to me and explained the error and used it as a learning moment for me. I realized that I had provide too much, which was the reason for all the last minute scrambling that we then had to endure."

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25 Auditor Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Auditor interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 15 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. Have you ever had a documentation error occur during the auditing process? How did you handle it?

  • 2. As a CPA, have you ever signed off on an audit and if so, what does that mean to you?

  • 3. Have you ever discovered fraud in an audit?

  • 4. Give me an example of a time you pushed back when asked for additional documentation and why.

  • 5. Have you ever been burned out during an audit? How did you regain your focus?

  • 6. If you could change anything about being an auditor, what would it be?

  • 7. Are you okay working longer hours certain times of the year or if a job had a deadline?

  • 8. If you were given documentation that didn't make sense mathematically, what would your next steps be?

  • 9. Tell me about a time when you sought guidance, from another coworker who was the same level as you?

  • 10. How many times have you run an auditing team?

  • 11. Do you enjoy traveling?

  • 12. Have you ever been offered a bribe? How did you react?

  • 13. What do you enjoy most about being an auditor?

  • 14. Why do you want a career as an auditor?

  • 15. Have you ever faced a documentation overload during an audit? How did you handle it?

  • 16. Everyone has to bend or break rules sometimes. Give me an example when you had to that in auditing or accounting.

  • 17. What platforms have you audited in the past?

  • 18. If you find a process that's time consuming and frustrating, what would you do?

  • 19. Have you ever been overloaded with work, i.e., multiple auditing contracts or clients at once, or just a large amount of auditing work all at once?

  • 20. If you're working for multiple clients at one time, how do you monitor the amount of hours you spend on one compared to the other?

  • 21. By providing examples, convince me that you can adapt to a wide variety of people, situations, and environments.

  • 22. Have you ever had difficulty with a supervisor?

  • 23. Describe a time when you had to work with a large team auditing team and how you handled it.

  • 24. If you were an external auditor, what's the first thing you'd ask for when entering an audit?

  • 25. Describe a difficult auditing project and how you overcame it.