
Bank For International Settlements Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a Bank For International Settlements job interview, here are 27 interview questions and answer examples.

Bank For International Settlements was written by on October 26th, 2020. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 27

In this role as a Risk Analyst with Bank For International Settlements, you will be expected to be the expert on changes in financial regulations that impact our business. How do you keep yourself up to speed on these changes currently?

"I have been a CFA member for over five years now and I really look forward to the quarterly CFA Digest publication, the CFA Magazine and their news brief email that comes out daily . I find these are great resources that cover things ranging from daily news that impacts our work lives to very big picture studies and findings as published in the digest. If hired for this role, I would continue to be an active CFA member and would continue to utilize their resources for my work."

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27 Bank For International Settlements Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Bank For International Settlements interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 5 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. In this role as a Risk Analyst with Bank For International Settlements, you will be expected to be the expert on changes in financial regulations that impact our business. How do you keep yourself up to speed on these changes currently?

  • 2. What tools do you currently use to help you be a more efficient and effective Business Analyst?

  • 3. If hired for this role at Bank For International Settlements, I want to be sure that I'm hiring a motivated individual. What motivates you in your daily work and your career?

  • 4. What would you do in a situation where you just didn't have all of the information you needed from a client? What would be the steps that you took in ensuring you had all of the information possible in creating a financial analysis for a client?

  • 5. A key task in this role with Bank For International Settlements is assessing an organization's weighted average cost of capital. Are you familiar with WACC calculations and when have you used them in the past if you are?

  • 6. To help us understand your need for initial training and orientation in this role with Bank For International Settlements, can you tell me what financial software you have familiarity working on?

  • 7. At Bank For International Settlements, our clients are the lifeblood of our business and we do everything in our power to make them happy. What does the term customer service mean to you in your work?

  • 8. In this role with Bank For International Settlements, we will rely on your analytical reporting skills on a regular basis. Why do you feel analytical reporting is important in the financial field?

  • 9. Among the common issues that are faced by Data Analysts in their work, which one or two problems do you feel really challenge analysts in the financial industry?

  • 10. If hired for this role as an Economist with Bank For International Settlements, we'll want you to have the tools in hand that you need to succeed. What computer programs do you find necessary and useful in your work?

  • 11. At Bank For International Settlements, we expect our Business Analysts to put extra emphasis into the risk management aspects of their project work. How have you performed risk mitigation and risk avoidance in your previous roles as a Business Analyst?

  • 12. What is the most attractive thing in your eyes about this role with Bank For International Settlements?

  • 13. If hired for this position as an Economist with Bank For International Settlements, we would look to you for global economic insights. What one global trend to you feel will heavily impact financial markets in the next ten years?

  • 14. Pretend an old friend just awoke from a coma that lasted over 30 years. How would you describe the internet to them?

  • 15. Do you have any experience in financial modeling? What skills in financial modeling could you bring to the clients here at Bank For International Settlements?

  • 16. In working with financial data here at Bank For International Settlements, what are the steps you would take in the data validation process as part of your work?

  • 17. At Bank For International Settlements, we expect our Economists to give regular presentations and updates to our advisory staff. What experience do you have presenting in front of a captive audience?

  • 18. Talk to me about a challenging situation you had to handle on the job that involved another colleague. How did you handle that situation?

  • 19. Give an example of a time that you had to resolve a difficult situation with a client or customer. What were the keys to coming to a successful solution?

  • 20. What statistical analysis tools do you have experience working with?

  • 21. Give me an example of a time that you had to solve a problem without having all of the necessary information at hand to do so. How did you handle that situation?

  • 22. What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?

  • 23. When have you shown a willingness to learn a new method or new approach to solving a problem?

  • 24. This position at Bank For International Settlements has generated a lot of interest from applicants. What do you feel is the one quality that sets you apart from others we are speaking with about this position?

  • 25. We are looking for the most motivated individuals to join the team here at Bank For International Settlements. Where would you like your career to take you in the next five to ten years?

  • 26. List the top 3 skills that you have acquired in your last role.

  • 27. How can Bank For International Settlements motivate you on the job?