
Saint Vincent Hospital Mock Interview

Question 14 of 35 for our Saint Vincent Hospital Mock Interview

Saint Vincent Hospital was updated by on June 24th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 14 of 35

What is your greatest weakness you would bring to the Saint Vincent Hospital team?

"I know this will come off as cliche, but it's truthful. My weakness is not delegating. I know what I want and how I want it done, so it's often easier to do it myself. However, it can inhibit my ability to grow. I cannot take on every step of a project; I need to be able to give the task or a portion of it to another team member or direct report, let go of the control, and know it will be taken care of. I've spoken with my current manager about it, and we've developed a system where he can call me out on the behavior since often I'm not aware of it. By bringing awareness to it at the moment, I find my propensity to hold onto control has decreased, so I'm certainly moving in the right direction."

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How to Answer: What is your greatest weakness you would bring to the Saint Vincent Hospital team?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a Saint Vincent Hospital job interview.

  • 14. What is your greatest weakness you would bring to the Saint Vincent Hospital team?

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      While competition is stiff for any position at Saint Vincent Hospital, and your interviewer has likely weeded through many applicants to bring the best in for an interview, they also know that any candidate comes with their own weaknesses. Your interviewer wants to hear that you are cognizant of your weakness and that you are working to better it.

      Written by Ryan Brunner on June 24th, 2022

      How to Answer

      Pick a weakness that is not a core skill for this position. You can be candid in your answer, recognizing that you aren't great at something and acknowledging your need to improve. Be sure to have an action plan in place for improving on this weakness. We are all human with our weaknesses, so don't be afraid to share yours!

      Written by Ryan Brunner on June 24th, 2022

      1st Answer Example

      "I know this will come off as cliche, but it's truthful. My weakness is not delegating. I know what I want and how I want it done, so it's often easier to do it myself. However, it can inhibit my ability to grow. I cannot take on every step of a project; I need to be able to give the task or a portion of it to another team member or direct report, let go of the control, and know it will be taken care of. I've spoken with my current manager about it, and we've developed a system where he can call me out on the behavior since often I'm not aware of it. By bringing awareness to it at the moment, I find my propensity to hold onto control has decreased, so I'm certainly moving in the right direction."

      2nd Answer Example

      "At this point in my career within healthcare, my newness is my greatest weakness. To overcome this, I have committed to ten extra hours per week of study and shadowing. I dive into various medical journals and spend a great deal of time educating myself beyond what my degree and internship have offered."

      Written by Ryan Brunner on June 24th, 2022

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "My greatest weakness is that I believe I find it really hard to say no to people. In the past, this has resulted in me feeling a bit overwhelmed at times, simply because I have taken on too much work in addition to my own tasks and projects. I need to learn to say no when appropriate, of course, I will take on as much work as possible but I need to learn to say no when the time is right."

      Rachelle's Feedback

      You do a nice job explaining this weakness in a way that does not create a red flag or would make the interviewer hesitant to move forward with your candidacy. I suggest finishing your answer with measurable details of your action plan to improve on this weakness. If you'd like to learn more about answering this common interview question, we address it in point #3 in this guide: How to Answer 5 of the Most Common Interview Questions