
Sun Life Financial Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a Sun Life Financial job interview, here are 35 interview questions and answer examples.

Sun Life Financial was updated by on October 5th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 35

Tell me about yourself.

"I grew up in Oklahoma City. As soon as I was legally able to, I got a job working in my grandpa's insurance office doing clerical work and data entry. By the time I turned 18, they promoted me to administrative assistant. I took a gap year before I went to college. I've always had a strong work ethic. During my four years of college, I repeated my success in high school, graduating with a 4.0-grade point average. As you can see on my resume, I worked at my last firm for eight years, and they suffered some major cutbacks. A lot of folks lost their job, but not me. Yet there were no real career advancement opportunities left, which is what me here today."

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35 Sun Life Financial Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Sun Life Financial Inc. interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 10 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Behavioral

    1. Tell me about yourself.

  • Behavioral

    2. Would you rather work face-to-face with our insurance clients or behind the scenes in a research and analysis oriented role?

  • Behavioral

    3. How do you respond to feedback when you receive it?

  • Behavioral

    4. How can we motivate you on the job?

  • Career Goals

    5. What do you envision your role looking like at Sun Life Financial five years from now?

  • Career Goals

    6. Why do you want to work at Sun Life Financial?

  • Career Goals

    7. Within Sun Life Financial, many of our positions require a Bachelor's or Master's Degree. Have you considered furthering your education in order to advance your career?

  • Communication

    8. Insurance contracts can be detailed and lengthy. How do you go about breaking down your clients' insurance contracts to them?

  • Communication

    9. Tell me about an error or mistake you made involving a communication breakdown.

  • Communication

    10. How would you rate your communication skills, and what areas of communication are you most skilled in?

  • Compatibility

    11. What do you know about our culture at Sun Life Financial?

  • Competency

    12. Have you been accredited any insurance-related certifications or licenses?

  • Competency

    13. How often do you take work home with you?

  • Customer Service

    14. How would you describe your relationship with your customers or client base?

  • Direct

    15. What do you want your retirement to look like?

  • Experience

    16. What experience do you have working in a cross-functional environment?

  • Experience

    17. In your most recent position, what was the size of your client portfolio? How manageable was that for you to handle?

  • Experience

    18. Since you began your career, what do you feel has been the most significant change to the insurance industry?

  • Experience

    19. How do you feel the pandemic has affected the Insurance industry?

  • Experience

    20. Tell me about your relevant educational experience and how it prepared you for a career with Sun Life Financial.

  • Experience

    21. Do you prefer to work with clients on their life insurance needs or financial management needs? Why?

  • Experience

    22. Do you prefer to work in a more regimented environment, or do you prefer to feel more like you are your own boss?

  • Experience

    23. How do you stay up to date on the latest industry related changes, developments, and breaking news?

  • Job Satisfaction

    24. What work environment most fosters your productivity?

  • Job Satisfaction

    25. What causes you to feel dissatisfied with your job?

  • Job Satisfaction

    26. Do you prefer working within a predetermined set of rules or a more unrestrained creative work?

  • Leadership

    27. What leadership qualities do you possess?

  • Problem Solving

    28. Tell me about a time you had to respond quickly to a sudden change.

  • Salary

    29. Do you feel performance should be rewarded over tenure?

  • Salary

    30. What are your salary expectations?

  • Situational

    31. Give me an example where you displayed integrity at work.

  • Situational

    32. Would you say honesty is always the best approach?

  • Stress

    33. How do you manage stressful situations when they arise?

  • Teamwork

    34. Have you ever had difficulty getting along with a coworker? If yes, how did you resolve your personal differences?

  • Teamwork

    35. Do you have any experience with team building?