
Emory Healthcare Mock Interview

To help you prepare for an Emory Healthcare job interview, here are 31 interview questions and answer examples.

Emory Healthcare was updated by on December 13th, 2018. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 31

Emory Healthcare has a diverse workforce. When have you worked amongst a diverse group of people?

"I have worked with diverse groups of people most of my career, including my time in University. I am most comfortable, and happy, in this type of environment because it offers me unique learning opportunities."

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31 Emory Healthcare Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Emory Healthcare, Inc. interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 10 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. Emory Healthcare has a diverse workforce. When have you worked amongst a diverse group of people?

  • 2. Emory Healthcare was initially looking for someone with 5 years' experience in a similar role. Considering you have just 2 years' experience, would you be willing to accept this position at a lower salary?

  • 3. Do you think it is possible to be a good team member, yet disagree with the leader?

  • 4. Here at Emory Healthcare, we emphasize that our employees use resources wisely to help save costs. What are ways that you have shown you can use resources wisely in your work?

  • 5. What is your greatest weakness?

  • 6. How do you make time for the administrative duties in your work?

  • 7. In your opinion, what makes you a great problem solver?

  • 8. What type of work environment do you dislike working in?

  • 9. With the ongoing changes in the healthcare services industry, how do you keep your knowledge current?

  • 10. Talk about a time that you were empowered in a decision making process in your job. What did you contribute and why was it important for you to be involved?

  • 11. If Emory Healthcare hired you today, what would you accomplish first?

  • 12. At Emory Healthcare, we aim to create value for our patients through focused cost saving measures. Why do you feel this is important for our organization and our patients?

  • 13. What part of your healthcare career brings you the most stress?

  • 14. As part of Emory's care transformation model, we value transparency for our employees and patients. When have you witnessed transparency being important in your time in healthcare?

  • 15. Emory Healthcare supports a healthy work/life balance for all employees. How do you balance life and work?

  • 16. Here at Emory Healthcare, we strive for excellence by being a leader for others to emulate. When have you had to lead by example during your career?

  • 17. Talk about a time in the workplace that you had to react to changes that you had no control over. What made your reaction to the change go smoothly?

  • 18. How would you describe your personality?

  • 19. When have you shown a willingness to learn a new method or new approach to solving a problem?

  • 20. Have you ever had a time you had to own up to a mistake in your work? What was the situation and what steps did you take to resolve the situation?

  • 21. At Emory Healthcare we seek to hire individuals who have ambitions of growing their career. Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years?

  • 22. Talk about a time that you had to put in extra effort to honor a commitment you made in the workplace. What led to you make the commitment and why was it important to honor it?

  • 23. It is often said that a career in healthcare is a 'thankless job'. How can we keep you motivated and engaged, even on the days when you feel your work goes unnoticed?

  • 24. If you could expand your knowledge and expertise in any area of healthcare services, which would you choose?

  • 25. Healthcare service companies require strong organizational skills and attention to detail. How do you ensure that your work is properly organized, and highly accurate?

  • 26. Emory Healthcare is dedicated to educating the future of the medical field through our school of medicine. Are you willing to educate and mentor medical students in your potential role with us?

  • 27. Our mission at Emory Healthcare is the serve humanity by improving health through the integration of education, discovery and healthcare delivery. Where have you personally witnessed discovery and research having an impact on your patients?

  • 28. At Emory Healthcare we take pride in our great relationships with clients, vendors, coworkers, and patients. Do you consider yourself to be a strong relationship builder?

  • 29. Tell me about your healthcare related education and training.

  • 30. At Emory Healthcare, we strive to treat each person with dignity. How would you say that you treat coworkers and/or patients with dignity?

  • 31. At Emory Healthcare we seek to hire individuals who display a keen interest in the healthcare arena. Would you consider yourself dedicated to a career in healthcare services?