
Occupational Therapist Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Occupational Therapist interview, here are 33 interview questions and answer examples.

Occupational Therapist was updated by on June 7th, 2018. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 33

How do you keep yourself organized on the on the job when the work day or week gets hectic?

"In my current job working in a home health setting, work days and weeks can be extremely busy. Just a couple of weeks ago, we were facing very inclement weather and my home visits still needed to be made. By keeping my calendar up to date and utilizing it on my smartphone, I was able to contact the patients that I would be running behind on to ensure that they knew I was coming. Without my organized calendar, I would have been lost that week."

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33 Occupational Therapist Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Occupational Therapist interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 15 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. How do you keep yourself organized on the on the job when the work day or week gets hectic?

  • 2. What is your favorite type of patient?

  • 3. How would your coworkers describe you?

  • 4. How would your current supervisor describe you?

  • 5. How would your patients describe you?

  • 6. Are you experienced at hiring clinic staff? Is this a responsibility you are comfortable with?

  • 7. What experience do you have helping your patients work through Mental Health challenges?

  • 8. Why did you pursue a career as an Occupational Therapist?

  • 9. Talk about the most difficult patient that you had to work with. What made them difficult and how did you handle the situation?

  • 10. How do you handle criticism?

  • 11. Have you ever disagreed with a decision or process change made by upper management? How did you handle that situation?

  • 12. What are some unique skills that you think you can bring to our team that set you apart from your competition for this position?

  • 13. Talk about a time you had to be innovative or use a new method or technology to help a patient. What made the situation innovative?

  • 14. How do you best communicate goals with your patients and, when necessary, their families?

  • 15. Have you specialized in the field throughout your career or are you looking to specialize?

  • 16. What types of patient assessments have you worked with in your work history?

  • 17. Have you ever had to work with a patient that couldn't communicate verbally due a physical condition? How did you effectively work with that patient?

  • 18. Tell me about the most successful patient you've had.

  • 19. What is your ideal work environment?

  • 20. How did you learn about this position?

  • 21. What do you do in your spare time?

  • 22. How are your administrative skills?

  • 23. How do you validate the client's pain and work to establish trust?

  • 24. How do you help your clients suffering from Arthritis?

  • 25. Where are you most comfortable providing therapy?

  • 26. What type of chronic conditions have you helped your patients monitor?

  • 27. Do you have specialized training in driver rehabilitation?

  • 28. Have you worked with patients that have suffered a stroke?

  • 29. Have you applied with any other facilities?

  • 30. What strengths or special skills will you bring to this position?

  • 31. What are a few ways you would help an adult experiencing stress?

  • 32. How would you treat a patient with sleep dysfunction?

  • 33. Are you comfortable interviewing patients to gather health information?