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Airline Reservation Agent Mock Interview

9 Interview Questions That Will Help You Prepare for your Airline Reservation Agent Job Interview.

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Question 6 of 9

How do you decide what gets top priority when scheduling your time?

***Note: We do not have professional answers for this career***

User Answers

1. Items that need immediate attention are done first.

2. It is base in the deadline and the importance of the work.

3. Whatever is most urgent will get he most priority.

4. I usually prioritize tasks based of the time they need to be done and the severity of the task.

5. I work first on urgent work that requires immediate attention.

6. The most important things that is in rush or needs to be observed.

7. The most important needs to be priotize and the rest will follow accordingly.

8. Depending on how urgent and the impact of not doing it.

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How to Answer: How do you decide what gets top priority when scheduling your time?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for an Airline Reservation Agent job interview.

  • 6. How do you decide what gets top priority when scheduling your time?

      Note: We do not have professional answers for this career

      User Answers

      1. Items that need immediate attention are done first.

      2. It is base in the deadline and the importance of the work.

      3. Whatever is most urgent will get he most priority.

      4. I usually prioritize tasks based of the time they need to be done and the severity of the task.

      5. I work first on urgent work that requires immediate attention.

      6. The most important things that is in rush or needs to be observed.

      7. The most important needs to be priotize and the rest will follow accordingly.

      8. Depending on how urgent and the impact of not doing it.