
Talent Plus Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a Talent Plus job interview, here are 35 interview questions and answer examples.

Talent Plus was updated by on September 6th, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 35

When a problem arises, what is your first reaction?

"When a major problem arises, my first instinct is to take a step back and absorb what just happened. I then go into 'brainstorm' mode, jotting down potential ways to resolve the issue. From there, I can generally use a pros and cons list to determine the best course of action for a fast and amicable resolution. I do this while remaining professional and keeping my composure."

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35 Talent Plus Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Talent Plus, Inc. interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 12 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Behavioral

    1. When a problem arises, what is your first reaction?

  • Career Goals

    2. At Talent Plus, we look to hire those who will be a long term fit. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

  • Communication

    3. Tell me about a time when you took charge of a meeting. Was the outcome a positive one?

  • Communication

    4. Rate your communication skills from 1-10 with proper examples backing your given rating.

  • Communication

    5. Sometimes the services and packages offered at Talent Plus can be confusing to new clients. How do you explain complicated concepts to those who may not understand?

  • Compatibility

    6. Tell me why you are the right fit for Talent Plus and this position.

  • Compliance

    7. Due to the nature of Talent Plus' business and services, we may ask that you complete a full background check. Are you willing to comply?

  • Creative Thinking

    8. At Talent Plus we seek to hire those who think outside the box. When was the last time you made a suggestion for workplace improvement? What was the outcome?

  • Customer Service

    9. How would your clients describe you?

  • Customer Service

    10. Tell us about your customer service experience.

  • Customer Service

    11. Customer service is our top priority at Talent Plus. What is your customer service philosophy?

  • Direct

    12. At Talent Plus, our primary work is to cater to other businesses. What do you foresee as the biggest challenge working in the commercial services industry?

  • Discovery

    13. If you had $50,000 to build your own business, what would you do?

  • Discovery

    14. Talent Plus values philanthropy and community giving. How do you choose to give back to others?

  • Discovery

    15. Outside of work, what type of creative activities do you like to pursue?

  • Diversity

    16. We value diversity at Talent Plus. When have you worked among a diverse group of people?

  • Education

    17. Many of the management and higher level roles with Talent Plus require a Degree in Business or similar. Please walk me through your post-secondary education.

  • Education

    18. At Talent Plus, we value continued education and training. Tell me about your education.

  • Experience

    19. At Talent Plus, we provide services to a wide range of businesses. Which industry or business type do you have the most experience with?

  • Experience

    20. We have a wide range of services at Talent Plus. Have you ever used any of our services?

  • Experience

    21. Looking at your resume, it seems there are certain skills necessary for this position that do not stand out. How do you think you will be able to compensate for these missing skills?

  • Experience

    22. Considering your background is in an industry different from ours, what skills and characteristics do you have that qualify you for this position in this industry?

  • Knowledge

    23. At Talent Plus we have many local competitors. In your opinion, what makes us stand out from the crowd?

  • Knowledge

    24. Do you fully understand what we do at Talent Plus?

  • Leadership

    25. As a manager, who has been your greatest influence? Describe a person that has defined what type of leader you wish to be.

  • Leadership

    26. Tell us about a time where you had to coach others on the job. What is your coaching style?

  • Management

    27. How did you maintain a good relationship with your most recent boss?

  • Performance Based

    28. How do you determine priorities when you have multiple projects due?

  • Performance Based

    29. Strong time management is important at Talent Plus. How do you manage your time, even on the busiest days?

  • Problem Solving

    30. Tell me about a time when you used good judgement and logic to solve a problem.

  • Salary

    31. What are your salary expectations?

  • Scenario Based

    32. We value accountability at Talent Plus. If a customer sent a formal complaint about an interaction with you, how would you handle it?

  • Teamwork

    33. What kind of people do you enjoy working with?

  • Teamwork

    34. When have you contributed to an effort to obtain a corporate goal?

  • Teamwork

    35. How do you build trust with your clients?