
TD Canada Trust Mock Interview

Question 2 of 27 for our TD Canada Trust Mock Interview

TD Canada Trust was written by on October 5th, 2020. Learn more here.

Question 2 of 27

If hired for this role here at TD Canada Trust, how would you manage your daily tasks on the job to ensure that your work is completed in a timely and efficient manner?

"I consider myself to be highly organized in my work and I do this by using my calendar
and task functions within Microsoft Outlook. I schedule time each day for my daily tasks and it doesn't take me very long to have a quick understanding for how much time is needed to complete the routine tasks on a daily basis. I always make sure to allow for enough time for each task to be done as thoroughly as possible. Then, for the tasks that pop up from time to time, I always make sure that I add those to my to do list quickly."

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How to Answer: If hired for this role here at TD Canada Trust, how would you manage your daily tasks on the job to ensure that your work is completed in a timely and efficient manner?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a TD Canada Trust job interview.

  • 2. If hired for this role here at TD Canada Trust, how would you manage your daily tasks on the job to ensure that your work is completed in a timely and efficient manner?

      How to Answer

      Your interviewer is posing this question to gain insight into how you use resources and technologies to keep you on track in your work and to also get a sense for how you prioritize the small details in the work that you do. As you answer the question, be very specific as you describe your ability to multitask many duties throughout a given work day and talk about the tools that you use to keep yourself on track in your work. As you talk about this process for yourself, don't lose sight of your focus on the small details in your work and discuss why doing things in detail is important in the work that you do. Make sure to talk about real world examples that you've used in the past that you feel would be helpful in this role as a Teller with TD Canada Trust.

      Written by Ryan Brunner on October 5th, 2020

      1st Answer Example

      "I consider myself to be highly organized in my work and I do this by using my calendar
      and task functions within Microsoft Outlook. I schedule time each day for my daily tasks and it doesn't take me very long to have a quick understanding for how much time is needed to complete the routine tasks on a daily basis. I always make sure to allow for enough time for each task to be done as thoroughly as possible. Then, for the tasks that pop up from time to time, I always make sure that I add those to my to do list quickly."

      Written by Ryan Brunner on October 5th, 2020

      2nd Answer Example

      "In my current role, I print a daily checklist of my duties and begin working on that list as soon as my day starts. Some of the tasks have a prerequisite task that day, so I have my checklist prioritized by needs from the top. I have found this method to be extremely useful in helping me make sure that my duties are handled each and every day and I wouldn't hesitate to utilize something similar if hired for this role with TD Canada Trust"