
Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital Mock Interview

Question 3 of 35 for our Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital Mock Interview

Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital was updated by on August 6th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 3 of 35

What part of your healthcare career brings you the most stress?

"To be completely transparent, I probably bring myself the most stress because of my innate desire to be the best. I strive for perfection too often, which causes undue stress on myself. I manage this by focusing my energy on productive activities that are good for my career."

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How to Answer: What part of your healthcare career brings you the most stress?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital job interview.

  • 3. What part of your healthcare career brings you the most stress?

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      Stress in the healthcare industry can often be a regular part of the day-to-day work experience. Talk to the interviewer about the most stressful aspects of your career. Ensure that your answer does not include a factor that would make you appear unfit for the position. (i.e., a healthcare professional should not find caring for sick people the most stressful part of the job).

      Written by Krista Wenz on August 6th, 2022

      Focus Your Answer On

      While you want to mention what part of your career brings you the most stress, you don't want to dwell on it. Instead, mention the stressful part and then talk about how you minimize the stress, so it does not consume you. If healthcare professionals do not have healthy ways to destress, it can lead to illness, injury, and job burnout.

      Written by Krista Wenz on August 6th, 2022

      1st Answer Example

      "To be completely transparent, I probably bring myself the most stress because of my innate desire to be the best. I strive for perfection too often, which causes undue stress on myself. I manage this by focusing my energy on productive activities that are good for my career."

      Written by Krista Wenz on August 6th, 2022

      2nd Answer Example

      "The part of my career that brings me the most stress is when my patients do not adhere to taking their medications or following their treatment plan. I know if they followed my recommendations, they could live a fuller, healthier life. What I have done to decrease my stress levels in this situation is to do all I can to explain why they have a treatment plan and how following it will get them better results. I communicate clearly and concisely, so there is no misunderstanding. I leave it to my patients to do what they feel is best for them."

      Written by Krista Wenz on August 6th, 2022