
American Express Mock Interview

Question 5 of 35 for our American Express Mock Interview

American Express was updated by on June 14th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 5 of 35

How would you handle a customer who was difficult to please?

"I always take time to listen to the customer's needs. When I offer a service, and the customer turns it down, I get creative. I might talk to a co-worker or a manager to come up with another solution if I have tried everything I can think of. I have also been able to negotiate at times to give them something that I generally couldn't offer others."

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How to Answer: How would you handle a customer who was difficult to please?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for an American Express job interview.

  • 5. How would you handle a customer who was difficult to please?

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      This question is phrased not only to see how you handle difficult or stressful situations. It also helps to assess what you consider a stressful situation and how you would handle it.

      Written by Kevin Downey on February 9th, 2022

      How to Answer

      Your aim is to show how you overcome a challenge or adversity. Attitude is everything here. Convey how well you work under pressure. Some customers take going above and beyond to a whole new level! Picture shopping in a retail store with the sales associate running around trying everything they can to help a customer who can't decide. Or maybe a customer called you with a complaint about their credit card and you did everything you could to resolve the issue, even offering them additional perks, but they still weren't happy. These are the situations that will test your patience and your sanity!

      Written by Kevin Downey on February 9th, 2022

      Pro Tip

      You are looking to connect with your interviewer on this point. A meeting of the minds is the end goal. Reaching a communal understanding with them can be easily attained by demonstrating a meeting of the minds between you and the customer in your example.

      Written by Kevin Downey on February 9th, 2022

      1st Answer Example

      "I always take time to listen to the customer's needs. When I offer a service, and the customer turns it down, I get creative. I might talk to a co-worker or a manager to come up with another solution if I have tried everything I can think of. I have also been able to negotiate at times to give them something that I generally couldn't offer others."

      Written by Elisabeth Walter

      2nd Answer Example

      "It can be difficult to determine what a difficult customer wants. Often the basis for frustration is due to ineffective communication, especially when a customer has trouble expressing their needs, or asking for what they want. Listening, mirroring, and empathizing goes a long way. Beyond that, I like to ask them what I can do to make them happy. The beginning of the bargaining process. If their expectations are unrealistic, I'll compromise and let them know what I can do for them, emphasizing again my understanding of their expectations. More often than not, this does the trick."

      Written by Kevin Downey on February 9th, 2022

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "When working with hard-to-please customers, it is important for them to know that their concerns and feelings are heard and acknowledged. Taking time to understand their needs and problems ensures they feel validated and knowing that you are committed to finding the best outcome is important."

      Marcie's Feedback

      You're right! How do you ensure they feel heard? Do you repeat back what they say to confirm you heard it correctly? Do you use other active listening techniques to show that their concerns matter to you? Do you apologize to them for the trouble and make sure to provide them with a timely resolution to their issue? Providing an example of a time when you successfully handled a difficult customer will make your answer stronger. Good job!