
Airline Steward Mock Interview

Question 21 of 28 for our Airline Steward Mock Interview

Airline Steward was updated by on December 19th, 2019. Learn more here.

Question 21 of 28

Describe a time you went above and beyond.

"Last week, I was crossing the street at the light and noticed a man with a baby struggling to carry his grocery bags and push the stroller. The light was about to change, so I turned back and offered to help carry the bags to allow him and his baby to get safely across. Once we made it across the street, I offered to continue carrying the bags until we made it to their car which was parked nearby. Even though it was a small thing and didn't take much time out of my day, I could tell that he was grateful for the help."

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How to Answer: Describe a time you went above and beyond.

Advice and answer examples written specifically for an Airline Steward job interview.

  • 21. Describe a time you went above and beyond.

      How to Answer

      Don't overthink this question - your response to this can be as simple as choosing to help someone cross the street because you noticed their hands were full and the light was changing. The main thing the interviewers are looking for here is a candidate that is customer-focused and can identify the little things that might make a customer's experience better and more memorable. They will have a series of questions and scenarios to identify your ability to jump into action when needed; in this question, they're looking for the intuitive side of airline stewards that will see that someone looks cold and come offer them a blanket.

      Written by Clara Canon on December 18th, 2019

      Answer Example

      "Last week, I was crossing the street at the light and noticed a man with a baby struggling to carry his grocery bags and push the stroller. The light was about to change, so I turned back and offered to help carry the bags to allow him and his baby to get safely across. Once we made it across the street, I offered to continue carrying the bags until we made it to their car which was parked nearby. Even though it was a small thing and didn't take much time out of my day, I could tell that he was grateful for the help."

      Written by Clara Canon on December 18th, 2019