
Workday Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a Workday job interview, here are 34 interview questions and answer examples.

Workday was updated by on January 8th, 2024. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 34

Tell me about your greatest work-related accomplishment.

"My most recent and proudest accomplishment was the first time I led a team. The project was a total success. We came in ahead of the deadline, and every member of my team said under my lead, it was the most fun they'd ever had at work. My management team congratulated me on my work ethic and great attitude and said I was one of their rising stars."

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34 Workday Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Workday, Inc. interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 12 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

At a glance, Workday offers a unified suite of services through their cloud-based software “across financials, HR, talent, payroll, analytics, and more.” They differ from their competitors in that there is never a one-time purchase for their software, which would eventually be outdated. Additionally, their cloud-based software is never installed onsite. This enables them to make their services more seamless and user-friendly. In addition, they advertise the affordability of their product over their competitors, which is based on a subscription model rather than a high-cost, one-time purchase, requiring multiple updates over time.

In your Workday interview, it is not enough to be qualified for the job. There are likely many other candidates who are as qualified as you are. Why should they hire you over another candidate? The answer to that is simple. If you can show that you have a strong work ethic in actionable terms and fit the mold of the person they want on their team, they will seriously consider hiring you over another candidate. How do you show them you have a strong work ethic? By going above and beyond when preparing for your interview. How do you determine what their mold looks like and if you are a good fit? Research their core values, work environment, and company culture. Then research yourself and identify what makes this a good fit. This is how you’ll convince your interviewer that you are committed to this opportunity, have a strong work ethic, make a habit of going above and beyond, and would be a valuable asset to their company.

So, when preparing for your Workday interview, go deeper than familiarizing yourself with their job description. For example, in their core values alone, Workday explains that their employees are “a community of high performers who deliver long-term value, bring their best selves to work, speak up respectfully, and strive to do better every day.” They expect their teams to “strive for the highest levels of customer and user satisfaction.” They are also looking for accountable candidates, who own their outcomes, earn the trust of their teams, and make smart choices.

Put your attention to detail to work and spend some time identifying who they are looking for and what their ideal candidate looks like. Write down all the traits they are looking for, and determine how you meet all those requirements and more. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be ready to convince them you are the right candidate for the job.

  • Accomplishment

    1. Tell me about your greatest work-related accomplishment.

  • Ask The Interviewer

    2. What questions do you have for me?

  • Behavioral

    3. What is the riskiest decision you have ever made in the workplace?

  • Behavioral

    4. What is your personal mission statement?

  • Behavioral

    5. Culture fit is important to us at Workday. How would you describe your personality?

  • Behavioral

    6. Do you feel performance should be rewarded over experience?

  • Career Goals

    7. Why do you want to work for Workday?

  • Career Goals

    8. We seek to hire highly ambitious people. Where would you like your career with Workday take you?

  • Communication

    9. How would you explain 'the cloud' to someone outside of the industry?

  • Compatibility

    10. At Workday, we take pride in our ability to stay one step ahead of our competitors. How will you contribute to this trend?

  • Compatibility

    11. What do you think we do better at Workday than any of our competitors?

  • Compatibility

    12. Why should we hire you?

  • Competency

    13. We consider research to be the backbone of what we do at Workday. Do you think it's essential to research before beginning a project, or would you jump right in instead?

  • Competency

    14. What is your favorite data structure and why?

  • Direct

    15. At Workday, we take privacy and confidentiality very seriously. Are you willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement if hired?

  • Direct

    16. How did you prepare for this interview?

  • Discovery

    17. Tell me about yourself.

  • Discovery

    18. If you could meet anyone in the tech industry, who would you choose?

  • Education

    19. At Workday, we prefer to hire employees with an education in computer science or other related field. Walk me through your post-secondary education and training.

  • EQ

    20. What are your weaknesses?

  • EQ

    21. Workday believes in a transparent workplace. How do you respond to unsolicited feedback?

  • Experience

    22. What would you consider your technical specialty?

  • Experience

    23. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your technical abilities?

  • Experience

    24. What experience do you have using team-based messaging applications?

  • Experience

    25. I would like to have a full understanding of your experience and portfolio. What types of industries have your previous projects been involved in?

  • Experience

    26. Tell me about the most interesting project you have worked on this year and what you learned from it.

  • Experience

    27. In your opinion, what has been the biggest advancement in cloud technology this past year?

  • Leadership

    28. How will you guide your team in terms of personal development?

  • Leadership

    29. Workday refuses to cave to corporate politics and hierarchical attitudes. In your opinion, how can a company best achieve this kind of culture?

  • Problem Solving

    30. Tell me about the most challenging problem you encountered in your professional career.

  • Problem Solving

    31. With Workday, you will experience changes on a regular basis. When have you had to change a significant component of your project due to new information?

  • Role-Specific

    32. This role with Workday is highly technical. What is your understanding of this position and the responsibilities that come with it?

  • Stress

    33. What advice would you give to a stressed out colleague?

  • Teamwork

    34. Tell me about a time you worked with a person who did things very differently than you. How did you collaborate?

  • Questions To Ask Your WorkDay Interviewer

    When trying to come up with the right questions, make sure your questions are specific to Workday. You should also think of questions that couldn’t possibly be answered on your own through the interview. The way to do this is to write down questions as you research the company while preparing for your interview.

    The more unique your questions are, the more memorable a candidate you’ll be. Think of questions that can stoke conversation and get your interviewer talking. But try not to overdo it. You want to be respectful of their time. Your interviewer is on the clock, and they likely have much more to accomplish in their day.

    Here are a few examples of the type of questions you could come up with while conducting your research:

    1. Of all the services that Workday offers, from payroll to HR management to time tracking, which would you say are most used by our clients?

    2. Are any new products or services in development or near launch that the company is preparing for?

    3. I am a big environmental activist, and I noticed your website mentions that Workday’s customers can use the platform to source, evaluate, and manage sustainable suppliers and proactively plan and track ESG goals. I’m curious to learn more about those suppliers. Are there particular companies which Workday has long-standing relationships with?

    4. I’m curious. What was the name of the diner in California where Aneel Bhusri and Dave Duffield met?

    5. For this position, after onboarding, what would a routine day on the job look like on a slow day and a fast-paced, high-pressure day?

    WorkDay's Core Values and Company Culture

    You can learn a lot about a company’s work environment, culture, and core values simply by examining the language they used to define it. For example, Workday prides itself on being employee-centric and a fun place to work. They use phrases like "kicking ass," which you don’t often see on a company’s career page. Some of the reoccurring keywords on their website are "Honesty," "Unified," and "Aligned."

    Their brand seems based on reinventing business applications to help organizations run more effectively. Considering this, it is likely that they would have to embody and model their own business as a representation of the promise of their services to earn the trust of their customers. They would then need to ensure that those who represent their company not only deliver an excellent customer service experience but are truly happy to work for Workday - a great company that runs effectively and operates with integrity. Something like that can’t be faked.

    Read through their core values, and you’ll see several statements that truly capture the spirit of their culture. “Profitability is important, but it’s not why we exist. We exist to inspire a brighter work day for all. We work hard to build and sustain a culture of honesty. We believe work should be fun. And that we should have fun every day. We’re good people, kicking ass, growing to last. We innovate with urgency, take smart risks, and learn from the results. We relentlessly seek to deliver meaningful value to our customers.”

    They are unified, aligned, and honest. They also say that their core values, which they are committed to, are “not just words on a page, we put them into action daily so that we can be better in everything we do.” They claim they “believe in doing good for the greater good because that’s just who we are.” Before your interview, consider how you would describe exactly who you are and how you align with the workday culture.

    About the Author

    When I started my career in business management, branding, and marketing, I believed in the company I worked for. The company was growing, they operated with integrity, and it was truly a fun place to work. They had a great brand; people loved shopping there. I was popular just because I worked there. To this day, I am grateful for everything the company gave me and how it changed my life for the better. That’s the kind of place you want to work - a place that feels like a good fit for you. This should be the mutual goal of both the interviewer and the interviewee. I knew that going into my interview for that job, and I knocked it out of the park. When I was recruited into management, I had no idea what I was getting into. I assumed the harder I worked, the faster I’d rise through the ranks. But I had no idea how much I had to grow and develop personally and professionally to get there. I accepted the challenge, but it was an uphill battle, nonetheless. Not too many people helped me out, either. There was a lot of competition, and I was just thrown to the wolves. And there were not only wolves but sharks in that tank. Talk about tough. So I learned most of my leadership skills the hard way, and the journey was long.

    Conducting interviews is an art form. As a leader, my favorite parts of the job were interviewing, recruiting, building the perfect team, and mentoring and coaching those on my team. Every single individual I mentored advanced far ahead of their peers. But it all starts with that interview and making sure the job was the right fit for them.

    I love coaching so much that I later volunteered my services at career fairs and trade schools. I left my management career behind me and am now a full-time writer. Yet, I still love coaching others to succeed, and I love writing for for this very reason.

    Not everybody knows their way around crafting the perfect CV and resume, the secrets to delivering a flawless interview, or how to negotiate a decent raise. It’s hard to navigate that terrain without a map, and I enjoy giving people directions. Here’s what I said to a friend I mentored long ago: “Every single thing you do, at every stage, can alter the perception others have of your professional worth. My goal is to make you look like an asset worth fighting for.”

    Learn more about Kevin Downey