
Solutions Architect Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Solutions Architect interview, here are 33 interview questions and answer examples.

Solutions Architect was updated by on April 1st, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 33

Give an example where you worked in collaboration with other departments on solution architecture to shape up a project? What went well? What went wrong?

"I was recently tasked with creating an internal system that would allow the organization's employees to make changes in their benefits program using an online application. The stakeholders for the project included the HR Department, Finance, and a representative from a Corporate Leadership team. I kicked off the project with a team meeting to discuss our objectives, project scope, resources, and timelines. Once we understood these elements, I gathered my engineering team and began working on the various architectures required for this system. Due to our experience, we were able to deliver the system's prototype well within the allocated timeline and budget. However, the representatives of the HR Department continued to add additional requirements to the system once they understood the application's capabilities. This scope creep meant that we were continually reengineering both the software and hardware elements of the solution. After several iterations, I was able to lock down the parameters for the project by appealing to the organization's Finance and Leadership teams. The system we created functioned as specified and delivered the results the stakeholders were anticipating."

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33 Solutions Architect Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Solutions Architect interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 15 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Behavioral

    1. Give an example where you worked in collaboration with other departments on solution architecture to shape up a project? What went well? What went wrong?

  • Behavioral

    2. Do you prefer to create programs aligned with interfaces or implementations, and why?

  • Behavioral

    3. What is your strategy for securing the IT assets and intellectual property of an organization?

  • Behavioral

    4. How do you ensure that the software you develop will scale?

  • Communication

    5. How would you describe Amazon Web Services (AWS) to someone outside of the IT organization?

  • Communication

    6. Please discuss some of the differences between asynchronous and parallel programming?

  • Communication

    7. Can you explain CAP Theorem?

  • Compatibility

    8. What do you believe your role is concerning supporting the organization's functional analysts?

  • Compatibility

    9. What is a lower latency interaction, and why is it desirable in an application?

  • Compatibility

    10. Please explain domain-driven design.

  • Compatibility

    11. What are the benefits of clustering?

  • Creative Thinking

    12. Can you describe a creative solution to a challenging problem you developed in your role as a solutions architect? (Begin Here)

  • Creative Thinking

    13. Please talk about a time when you analyzed a difficult problem and came up with an innovative solution.

  • Discovery

    14. Do you subscribe to the theory of 'Fail Early and Fail Forward?'

  • Education

    15. How do you define high availability, and what are some steps you take to ensure this?

  • Experience

    16. What are some of the steps you recommend to protect an organization from a DOS attack?

  • Experience

    17. What are the advantages of using a NoSQL database instead of an RDBMS?

  • Experience

    18. Give an example of where you used an architecture framework. What characteristics were helpful, and what characteristics were not helpful?

  • Experience

    19. Describe how your training and experience have prepared you to succeed as a Solutions Architect.

  • Leadership

    20. Can you describe a key project you recently led as a solutions architect?

  • Technical

    21. Are there any issues with employing sticky sessions in your systems architecture?

  • Technical

    22. How are DRY and DIE principles used in software engineering?

  • Technical

    23. Can you define the acronym SOLID and discuss its key principles?

  • Technical

    24. What does system resiliency refer to, and how do you achieve this?

  • Technical

    25. What does the acronym ACID stand for?

  • Technical

    26. Please discuss the concept of Elasticity as used in your role as a solutions architect and how it contrasts with scalability.

  • Technical

    27. Can you describe some of the differences between concurrency and parallelism?

  • Technical

    28. What are monolithic, SOA and microservices architectures, and how do they differ from one another?

  • Technical

    29. When would you use a NoSQL database, and when would using a relational database be better?

  • Technical

    30. What Do You Mean By "Session Affinity, and how does this relate to the concept of sticky session load balancing?

  • Technical

    31. What are the differences between a binary and mutex semaphore?

  • Technical

    32. What is meant by the Single Responsibility Principle, and how do you use this in your work?

  • Technical

    33. How is the term Deadlock used in your role as a solutions architect?