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Standard Bank Mock Interview

Question 6 of 34 for our Standard Bank Mock Interview

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Question 6 of 34

We expect our team members at Standard Bank to have excellent interpersonal skills. Tell me about a time when your listening skills helped you solve a problem.

"My boss asked me to manage a project that involved various tasks that I had never done before, including running new reports that would aid in solving a consistent customer problem we had encountered. After my boss communicated the main issues clients were experiencing, I made sure I understood what she needed of me by asking straightforward questions, including 'So what you're asking is...?', 'Do you mean that you need me to do (X)?,' and 'What do you think about (X) approach?' When navigating new territory, I found it helpful to include active clarifying questions in my listening approach. I jumped on the project right away, and my boss was impressed with the solution I designed."

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How to Answer: We expect our team members at Standard Bank to have excellent interpersonal skills. Tell me about a time when your listening skills helped you solve a problem.

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a Standard Bank job interview.

  • 6. We expect our team members at Standard Bank to have excellent interpersonal skills. Tell me about a time when your listening skills helped you solve a problem.

      How to Answer

      Your interviewer is asking this question to better understand how you will operate in a team and interact with your coworkers. This question is particularly relevant for those who will serve in a client-facing role. In the financial services world, active listening is key to maintaining successful and long-term client relationships. Your interviewer knows that listening is a valuable yet challenging skill that takes time and effort to improve.

      Give an example that demonstrates how you avoided miscommunication and worked towards a goal by using your listening skills. This means giving the speaker your full attention and asking clarifying questions afterward to check your understanding.

      Answer Example

      "My boss asked me to manage a project that involved various tasks that I had never done before, including running new reports that would aid in solving a consistent customer problem we had encountered. After my boss communicated the main issues clients were experiencing, I made sure I understood what she needed of me by asking straightforward questions, including 'So what you're asking is...?', 'Do you mean that you need me to do (X)?,' and 'What do you think about (X) approach?' When navigating new territory, I found it helpful to include active clarifying questions in my listening approach. I jumped on the project right away, and my boss was impressed with the solution I designed."