
Travel Nurse Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Travel Nurse interview, here are 30 interview questions and answer examples.

Travel Nurse was updated by on December 28th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 30

How do you prioritize when multiple patients and procedures demand your attention at once?

"During my clinical rotation in an Urgent Care clinic, we had a very busy day where many patients were coming in due to widespread flu. In working with my preceptor, I learned how to communicate to patients. His calmness in handling the situation was inspiring. Also, personally, during my final year of coursework in college, I was taking 18 credits each semester. During these semesters, I had to learn to prioritize my classwork by due dates and order of importance. By utilizing checklists and working through each thing one at a time, I learned invaluable skills that I can bring to my nursing career."

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30 Travel Nurse Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Travel Nurse interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 15 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. How do you prioritize when multiple patients and procedures demand your attention at once?

  • 2. How would you respond to an emergency situation at work?

  • 3. Nursing requires a great deal of physical exertion and travel nurses work in various positions. Are you comfortable with physically demanding assignments?

  • 4. Why do you think nurses often report experiencing 'burn out' and what do you do to help try to prevent that?

  • 5. When did you first decide to become a nurse, and why?

  • 6. Have you ever considered choosing a different specialty?

  • 7. How do you handle stressful situations?

  • 8. What about your work feeds your spirit?

  • 9. Salary is often commensurate with experience. How do you feel about someone with more experience than you having a higher salary but doing the same job?

  • 10. Do you have experience working with peers from diverse backgrounds?

  • 11. Do you feel like you have strong relationship building skills?Building strong relationships is essential for success of any business. The healthcare industry is no exception. Share why you think you have good relationship building skills.

  • 12. Can you recall a time when you had a disagreement with a co-worker or boss? If so, how was it resolved?

  • 13. What would you describe as your biggest weakness?

  • 14. Some travel nurses are assigned to well-child clinics. Have you ever done wellness exams or given immunizations to pediatric patients?

  • 15. Tell me about a time you had to communicate bad news to a patient. How did you effectively communicate that news and what was the outcome?

  • 16. What made you decide on a career as a travel nurse?

  • 17. How would your coworkers describe you?

  • 18. What motivates you to do a good job?

  • 19. In your position now, knowing what you do, what would you say to someone who is just now starting a nursing career?

  • 20. Where do you see yourself in five years?

  • 21. Have you ever had a disagreement with a coworker? If so, how was it resolved?

  • 22. What is something you learned from your previous boss?

  • 23. In addition to providing care to ill clients, nurses must attend to stressed out family members. How do you approach offering support to family members?

  • 24. Have you ever been in a situation in which a co-worker put a patient in jeopardy? If so, how did you handle it?

  • 25. What are some things that you do to keep your medical records portfolio up to date?

  • 26. Has there ever been a time when you received negative feedback, and how did you handle it?

  • 27. Travel nurses are often required to work odd shifts. Are you willing to work, nights, weekends, holidays, or overtime if needed?

  • 28. Do you have any specialty nursing certifications?

  • 29. What measures did you take to prepare yourself for the travel demands that this career requires?

  • 30. What characteristics do you think are important for healthcare professionals to have?