
Senior Technical Support Engineer Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Senior Technical Support Engineer interview, here are 30 interview questions and answer examples.

Senior Technical Support Engineer was updated by on August 25th, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 30

Do you hold daily standup meetings with your team, and if so, why are they important?

"I do hold daily standup meetings with my team to review our tasks for that day, the progress we made during the previous day, and any upcoming events or projects we need to be aware of. This also allows the team to give me feedback and make suggestions on how we could better perform our duties. I also attend standup meetings with my department heads to apprise them of my team's activities and gain additional direction. I've found us to be a helpful technique was adopted for my Agile training."

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30 Senior Technical Support Engineer Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Senior Technical Support Engineer interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 15 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. Do you hold daily standup meetings with your team, and if so, why are they important?

  • 2. Can you define OSI and provide an example?

  • 3. Please detail the sequence of steps performed by the computer's bios when a computer is turned on.

  • 4. Can you describe the different types of firewalls you may find in a typical network topology?

  • 5. Please describe the BOOT.INI file in Microsoft Windows and discuss what it is used for.

  • 6. In your opinion, what are some of the characteristics a technical support engineer should possess?

  • 7. What is a heat sink, how is it used in a computer system, and what technical issues could it be related to?

  • 8. Why would you recommend that a user purchase a processor which has more cache memory?

  • 9. What is an Application Binary Interface, or ABI, and how does it differ from an API?

  • 10. What is a child domain?

  • 11. Can you explain the difference between forward and reverse lookup in DNS?

  • 12. What are some of the duties you typically assign to your team members?

  • 13. When looking to hire someone for your team, what qualities do you look for in a technical support employee?

  • 14. What does SATA stand for, and what is its purpose?

  • 15. What is a jumper, and how could it impact the function of a computer system or device?

  • 16. Walk me through the process you use to troubleshoot an issue.

  • 17. What is a "Spike" in the context of the role of a senior technical support engineer?

  • 18. Discuss the ways you support your team when they work on daily activities or projects.

  • 19. How well do you deal with frequently changing requirements, and what techniques do you use?

  • 20. Would you mind defining the various roles of a Scrum team?

  • 21. Can you explain the difference between burn-up and burn-down charts?

  • 22. What is your strategy for upgrading the skills of your team?

  • 23. If you were leading a team of three technical support engineers, how would you divide tasks between them?

  • 24. When acting as the IT Team Leader, how would you prioritize the following work?

  • 25. What is the best way to create a test procedure to diagnose an issue when you don't have any supporting documents?

  • 26. What techniques or tools do you recommend when ensuring that the procedure used to diagnose an issue is comprehensive?

  • 27. What is a disk partition, and how many partitions can a hard drive have?

  • 28. What is Ghost Imaging, and how is it used?

  • 29. What would you do if a user needed to access a file on a shared drive, but for some reason, they are unable to?

  • 30. Can you explain the differences between an SDK and an API?