
Laboratory Assistant Mock Interview

Question 6 of 30 for our Laboratory Assistant Mock Interview

Laboratory Assistant was updated by on April 7th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 6 of 30

How do you best learn the tasks of a new role?

"I generally learn best by watching someone perform the task as an example while I take notes and then I attempt to complete the task on my own while referring to my notes and having an employee who is familiar with the task nearby to utilize as a resource if I have questions."

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How to Answer: How do you best learn the tasks of a new role?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a Laboratory Assistant job interview.

  • 6. How do you best learn the tasks of a new role?

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      The interviewer is trying to determine how you best learn new information. Your answer to this question will help the interviewer to understand what types of training will be most beneficial to you during your new hire training.

      Written by Lindsay Williams Ortega on April 7th, 2022

      What You Should Say

      Think about when you began working in your previous roles. Reflect on how you were able to learn the tasks of your new roles. Discuss what learning techniques worked well for you and if you feel you learn best by being hands-on, if you are more of a visual learner, if you learn best through listening to lectures or if there is another way that best suits you when learning new tasks. Provide the interviewer with some examples of learning techniques that have worked well for you.

      Written by Lindsay Williams Ortega on April 7th, 2022

      Answer Example

      "I generally learn best by watching someone perform the task as an example while I take notes and then I attempt to complete the task on my own while referring to my notes and having an employee who is familiar with the task nearby to utilize as a resource if I have questions."

      Written by Lindsay Williams Ortega on April 7th, 2022

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "Anytime that I start to work with a new team, I am as open as possible to learning their ways and gaining any knowledge that the team is willing to share. I try to be approachable and listen to what is needed from me. I am always a team player and I treat my teammates with the respect that they deserve to build trust."

      Jaymie's Feedback

      You're off to a good start! Also, consider discussing the technical ways that you learn best. For example, do you prefer to watch a training video at more of a self-paced, or do you prefer one-on-one training and live demonstration? Are you more of an observer or a hands-on learner?