
State Street Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a State Street job interview, here are 31 interview questions and answer examples.

State Street was written by on September 26th, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 31

How long will it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our team at State Street?

"I plan to make an impact as soon as possible at State Street. I've already researched this position and have all the requisite skills outlined in the role's description. I have proficiency with other relevant skills that I think would be useful in developing the (XYZ) project at State Street. As you can tell, I'm incredibly eager to get started, which is why I have created a 90-day impact plan that I would like to share with you. If there are any additional actions that I haven't included in my plan, I will welcome your input so that I can be successful in this role."

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31 State Street Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our State Street interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 10 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Adaptability

    1. How long will it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our team at State Street?

  • Adaptability

    2. If hired to this role here at State Street, what do you see as one initial hurdle you will have to overcome in your first weeks on the job?

  • Ask The Interviewer

    3. Do you have any questions about this job or working for State Street?

  • Career Goals

    4. We are looking for the most motivated individuals to join the team here at State Street. Where would you like your career to take you in the next five to ten years?

  • Communication

    5. Do you have experience preparing and delivering presentations?

  • Communication

    6. Discuss how you approach explaining complex ideas in simple terms.

  • Competency

    7. Analytical skills are critical to success in this role at State Street. In which ways are you analytically-minded?

  • Customer Service

    8. Give an example of a time that you had to resolve a difficult situation with a client or customer. What were the keys to coming to a successful solution?

  • Customer Service

    9. The clients of a financial firm like State Street can display an arrange of emotions when they work with our client-facing teams. How would you handle a situation where a client was very angry?

  • Customer Service

    10. Our clients here at State Street expect top-tier service and products, and we will expect you to provide that in this role. Have you ever went the extra mile for a client when it wasn't expected? Why did you do so?

  • Customer Service

    11. At State Street, our clients are the lifeblood of our business, and we do everything in our power to make them happy. What does the term customer service mean to you in your work?

  • Customer Service

    12. If you were having an interaction with a client here at State Street, and you weren't able to answer their question or solve their problem on your own, how would you handle that situation?

  • Direct

    13. How do you believe your coworkers would describe you?

  • Direct

    14. What is your greatest weakness as a finance professional?

  • Direct

    15. What is your greatest strength as a finance professional?

  • Direct

    16. Tell me what you know about State Street.

  • Direct

    17. What is the most attractive thing in your eyes about this role with State Street?

  • Direct

    18. This position at State Street has generated a lot of interest from applicants. What do you feel is the one quality that sets you apart from others we are speaking with about this position?

  • Direct

    19. What are the top 3 skills you have acquired in your last role?

  • Discovery

    20. The day-to-day life at State Street can be hectic and stressful at times. If hired for this role, how would you keep yourself motivated when working with stressed colleagues and pushy clients?

  • Experience

    21. Tell me about a time where you had to analyze information in order to make a recommendation.

  • Leadership

    22. Here at State Street, we are expecting someone with strong leadership skills to take this role. How would you describe your management style?

  • Leadership

    23. Tell me about a time you had to deal with adversity while in a leadership position.

  • Problem Solving

    24. Give me an example of a time that you had to solve a problem without having all of the necessary information at hand to do so. How did you handle that situation?

  • Problem Solving

    25. Tell me about a time you faced uncertainty. How did you handle it?

  • Problem SOlving

    26. How do you react to setbacks in the market?

  • Problem Solving

    27. Talk to me about a challenging situation you had to handle on the job that involved another colleague. How did you handle that situation?

  • Salary

    28. What are your salary expectations?

  • Technical

    29. In this role with State Street, you will be expected to be the expert on changes in financial regulations that impact our business. How do you keep yourself up to speed on these changes currently?

  • Technical

    30. What software programs do you use in your current work and how adaptable would you say that you are in learning and using new programs?

  • Technical

    31. At State Street, we expect our team members to take risk management principles into account. How have you performed risk mitigation and risk avoidance in your previous roles?