
L'Oreal Mock Interview

Question 3 of 40 for our L'Oreal Mock Interview

L'Oreal was updated by on May 29th, 2023. Learn more here.

Question 3 of 40

When you suffer a setback, how does that emotionally affect you and your work?

"Experiencing a setback is always disappointing, and can be a bit disheartening, but I understand that it happens from time to time. If I experience a major setback, I will take a few moments to debrief with my manager and discuss what I could have done differently. Then, I move on!"

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How to Answer: When you suffer a setback, how does that emotionally affect you and your work?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a L'Oreal job interview.

  • 3. When you suffer a setback, how does that emotionally affect you and your work?

      How to Answer

      Setbacks are a natural part of life and will occur at some point in your career. Everyone handles the stress and disappointment of setbacks differently. The interviewer at L'Oreal wants to know that you can take ownership when necessary, learn and grow from the experience and move on. Provide a response that demonstrates you are competent in this area and that you will persevere through adversity and challenges.

      Written by Jaymie Payne on May 26th, 2023

      1st Answer Example

      "Experiencing a setback is always disappointing, and can be a bit disheartening, but I understand that it happens from time to time. If I experience a major setback, I will take a few moments to debrief with my manager and discuss what I could have done differently. Then, I move on!"

      Written by Michelle Clark on May 29th, 2023

      2nd Answer Example

      "Setbacks happen no matter what, and for that reason I try not to let them affect me emotionally in the least. I am a pragmatic thinker and stay focused despite challenges that come my way. I once had a colleague who described setbacks as "forward fumbles," which is a philosophy I have internalized and try to share with others. What looks in the moment like a setback can often, in retrospect, be a catalyst for change or an inadvertent step toward a successful outcome you weren't even able to imagine."

      Written by Michelle Clark on May 29th, 2023

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "Setbacks happen every now and then. My priority is always to find a solution as soon as possible or at least to try methods for change rather than letting the emotion be overwhelming. For example, I arrived in the UK during the lockdown and the winter holiday. There was no one who can support me as the university was closed and I got no contact methods with others because of rushing travel. And I was not good at English speaking at that time. Then I decided to ask for help from the Chinese supermarket where I might meet some international students like me. I spent about 1 hour in the market, and then I met 5 students who were all from the University of Nottingham. I explained my concern and problem and they were keen to help me. They introduced some necessary information for me from living, eating to transportation. We built relationships and became friends from then and still keep in touch now. All in all, difficulty sometimes means a potential opportunity for change."

      Chad's Feedback

      It sounds like you have a positive attitude towards setbacks, and are able to focus on a solution and control your emotions when a setback does happen. The example you include clearly demonstrates your ability to find the opportunity in a difficult situation. Nice work!