
Medical Assistant Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Medical Assistant interview, here are 34 interview questions and answer examples.

Medical Assistant was updated by on May 5th, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 34

How long have you been a medical assistant?

"I have been a medical assistant for X years. The majority of my experience as a medical assistant has been working in a physician's office."

Next Question

34 Medical Assistant Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Medical Assistant interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 12 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. How long have you been a medical assistant?

  • 2. Can you give me an example of one of the most difficult things you've faced as a medical assistant, and how did you handle it?

  • 3. Do you have experience working with electronic health records?

  • 4. If you could give advice to someone who is considering a career as a medical assistant, what would you tell them?

  • 5. Are you willing to work, nights, weekends, holidays, or overtime if needed?

  • 6. Being a medical assistant often involves physical exertion, as patients may have to be transferred or lifted, or equipment moved. Are you capable of meeting the physical requirements of this job?

  • 7. Have you ever had a patient be combative toward you? If so, how did you handle the situation?

  • 8. Have you ever considered going back to school to further your degree?

  • 9. If you could change anything about the role of a medical assistant, what would it be?

  • 10. If a patient were to tell you that he does not agree with a doctor's orders, how would you respond?

  • 11. What would you do if a patient complained to you about a coworker's conduct toward him/her?

  • 12. Is there a type of patient or specific diagnosis that you find it more difficult to work with?

  • 13. Are you comfortable taking vital signs on patients?

  • 14. How do you protect the confidentiality of patients?

  • 15. What are your weaknesses?

  • 16. Walk me through your daily work routine.

  • 17. Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a coworker. How did you handle it?

  • 18. What patient population do you think that those working in the healthcare field may find the most difficult to work with?

  • 19. What is your favorite thing about being a medical assistant?

  • 20. How would you handle a situation with an angry patient?

  • 21. What are some administrative skills you have that you think could be of benefit to you in this position?

  • 22. Can you give me an example of how a medical assistant acts as a patient liaison?

  • 23. Healthcare careers are among the top stress-related careers. What do you do to help manage stress on the job?

  • 24. What are some clinical skills that you feel proficient performing that could be utilized in the medical assistant role at our facility?

  • 25. Tell me about a time you experienced a significant change in your workplace and how you handled it.

  • 26. Have you ever received negative feedback from a supervisor, and if so, how did you handle it?

  • 27. What made you choose a career as a medical assistant?

  • 28. How would you handle a situation if a physician was rude to you in front of a patient?

  • 29. Medical assistants often have to tend to nervous or frustrated family members, in addition to stressed patients. How do you approach offering support to your patient's loved ones?

  • 30. Do you feel like you have strong problem-solving skills?

  • 31. What are your long-term professional plans?

  • 32. What makes you feel you will be a good fit for our organization?

  • 33. Tell me about one of your favorite patients.

  • 34. If you discovered that a coworker was violating a patient's privacy by discussing his information with someone outside of the care team, how would you respond?