
FBI Mock Interview

To help you prepare for an FBI job interview, here are 40 interview questions and answer examples.

FBI was updated by on December 18th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 3 of 40

With the ongoing changes in law enforcement, how do you keep your knowledge current?

"It's a dream of mine to join the FBI, and I am pleased to say that I am a regular listener to all four of the FBI blogs. I also follow many accounts on Twitter associated with law enforcement news. If you have any recommendations for me, I am open to suggestions."

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How to Answer: With the ongoing changes in law enforcement, how do you keep your knowledge current?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for an FBI job interview.

  • 3. With the ongoing changes in law enforcement, how do you keep your knowledge current?

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      The FBI will expect you to always keep up to date on changes in law enforcement, and today's technology makes this reasonably easy! List several ways that you receive your industry knowledge and trending topics. Tell the interviewer about those daily update emails you receive from law enforcement organizations, conferences you attend, seminars you have taken, and professional organizations you belong to.

      In case you didn't know, the FBI currently has four podcasts:

      - FBI This Week
      - Wanted By The FBI
      - Inside the FBI
      - FBI Gotcha

      Bonus points if you mention that you listen to these! Lastly, it's a great idea to ask the interviewer what resources they refer to for industry trends. That question can start up a great conversation, and you may learn a thing or two as well.

      Written by Krista Wenz on April 24th, 2022

      Focus Your Answer On

      Focus your answer on information the FBI puts out, such as its podcasts or YouTube channel. When you keep your knowledge current by following the FBI, it shows your interest in and dedication to the bureau. You can include other ways you stay current, such as online blogs or law enforcement magazines, but be sure to include information from the FBI.

      Written by Krista Wenz on April 24th, 2022

      What to Avoid

      Avoid saying that you do not keep your knowledge of changes in law enforcement current. Technology is constantly evolving, and it is your responsibility to stay on top of the trends. Besides the FBI podcasts and YouTube channels, there are many online resources that you could follow, such as blogs, websites, and news sources. It is easier than ever to stay current on changes and trends in law enforcement.

      Written by Krista Wenz on April 24th, 2022

      Remember To

      To make you stand out to the interviewer, remember to mention podcasts you follow that the FBI puts out. Showing the interviewer that you value the information you receive from the FBI shows you have done your research and are learning all you can about the FBI and how they operate.

      Written by Krista Wenz on April 24th, 2022

      Entry Level Example

      "It's a dream of mine to join the FBI, and I am pleased to say that I am a regular listener to all four of the FBI blogs. I also follow many accounts on Twitter associated with law enforcement news. If you have any recommendations for me, I am open to suggestions."

      Written by Kevin Downey on December 18th, 2022

      Experienced Example

      "Every morning, I listen to the FBI podcast, 'Gotcha' because I find it incredibly valuable to listen to stories of how the FBI has succeeded in catching a criminal. I value the information shared among fellow agents. In addition to this podcast, I also subscribe to a couple of industry blogs. One is FBI Retired, and the other is LawBlog. What resources do you prefer to stay on top of industry trends and changes?"

      Written by Kevin Downey on December 18th, 2022

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "I like to stay up to date with all current events, which include changes in law enforcement. I recently started following the FBI on social media and visit the website for new updates daily."

      Krista's Feedback

      The interviewer should appreciate that you follow the FBI on social media and online. This is a smart step to take and will provide you with a lot of helpful information as you begin your career in law enforcement.
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