
Internal Auditor Mock Interview

Question 4 of 25 for our Internal Auditor Mock Interview

Internal Auditor was written by on January 1st, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 4 of 25

How do you feel your education has prepared you for the internal auditor role?

" I have been fortunate enough to study various accounting subjects at a great business school, including auditing, financial accounting and taxation. In addition to book learning, the accounting curriculum also allowed us to interact with accounting and auditing professionals on a regular basis, as well as obtain on-the-job immersive experience as part of a robust co-op program. The knowledge and experience obtained from this coursework provided me with a solid foundation for my future career. Of course, there will always be more to learn as I grow in the profession."

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How to Answer: How do you feel your education has prepared you for the internal auditor role?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for an Internal Auditor job interview.

  • 4. How do you feel your education has prepared you for the internal auditor role?

      How to Answer

      Be sure to highlight all of the different subjects within accounting you have studied to show you have a well-rounded education. To not sound like a 'know it all', make sure to acknowledge that there is still plenty to learn once you have been hired.

      Written by Brian Schuchart on January 1st, 2021

      Answer Example

      " I have been fortunate enough to study various accounting subjects at a great business school, including auditing, financial accounting and taxation. In addition to book learning, the accounting curriculum also allowed us to interact with accounting and auditing professionals on a regular basis, as well as obtain on-the-job immersive experience as part of a robust co-op program. The knowledge and experience obtained from this coursework provided me with a solid foundation for my future career. Of course, there will always be more to learn as I grow in the profession."

      Written by Brian Schuchart on January 1st, 2021

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "I have been fortunate enough to go to school for business management. Prior to that, I had a long journey on figuring out what I wanted to do. Both my experiences coupled with that education have prepared me for things that cannot necessarily be taught such as work ethic, attention to detail, drive, perseverance, and attitude."

      Marcie's Feedback

      Nice! Can you explain in more detail how your experiences and the courses you took for business management have taught you to be driven, detail-oriented, persistent, and ethical? What other experiences are you referring to? And how will being persistent and having integrity, etc. be helpful in this role? Be detailed about your experiences and education so far and connect them to the role itself. Explain how these things you've learned will allow you to excel. Good job!