
History Teacher Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your History Teacher interview, here are 30 interview questions and answer examples.

History Teacher was written by on April 23rd, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 30

Describe a time you mentored someone.

"Two years ago, I took on a student teacher who I was mentoring. She worked really hard to prepare lessons in the class she was teaching for me. We talked through constructive criticism pieces on a week-to-week basis. For me, it was a honor to be a part of a life-shaping experience like this."

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30 History Teacher Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our History Teacher interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 10 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. Describe a time you mentored someone.

  • 2. What do you change year-to-year with your teaching?

  • 3. How do you select classroom supplies?

  • 4. How do you push through obstacles?

  • 5. What research have you conducted in history?

  • 6. Share an experience where you were tested in patience.

  • 7. How do you get students to be self-motivated?

  • 8. How do you create classroom discussions?

  • 9. Share an ethical dilemma in history.

  • 10. How do you approach teaching a different theme?

  • 11. How important is analyzing data in your class?

  • 12. Share a time you had to think outside the box to fix a problem.

  • 13. How do you prioritize work?

  • 14. Speak to an event where you recognized an educational need and developed a way to hit the point home.

  • 15. What does a successful lecture look like?

  • 16. Why do you have an interest in history?

  • 17. Speak to a time a parent was not happy with their child's grade.

  • 18. How will you add to the Department of History?

  • 19. Share a time you collaborated with another teacher.

  • 20. How do you feel about being involved in after-school events?

  • 21. Share your weaknesses and strengths.

  • 22. What kind of person should get this history job?

  • 23. Explain what you know about our school.

  • 24. Share some goals you have as an educator in history.

  • 25. If a student is struggling in your class, how do you connect documents to help them along in the right direction?

  • 26. Share a time you used IT for teaching a history class.

  • 27. What brings history to life for your students?

  • 28. What does a typical history class look like for you?

  • 29. How do you get students excited about history?

  • 30. Speak to a great lesson you taught. Why did things go well?