
MCPHS University Pharmacy School Mock Interview

Question 2 of 40 for our MCPHS University Pharmacy School Mock Interview

MCPHS University was updated by on August 26th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 2 of 40

What weakness do you feel attending MCPHS University can help you overcome?

"I believe I could improve my written and verbal communication skills as I tend to be longer-winded than I would like to be at times. I enrolled in a week-long workshop to become a more eloquent communicator. I hope to gain skills in this workshop that I can continue to utilize during my university career."

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How to Answer: What weakness do you feel attending MCPHS University can help you overcome?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a MCPHS University Pharmacy School interview.

  • 2. What weakness do you feel attending MCPHS University can help you overcome?

      What You Need to Know

      Not only does this question test your desire to grow, but it assesses your self-awareness, your determination to succeed, and your emotional intelligence. Some may fear that revealing their weakness will make them look ill-equipped or small. But it's important to cast away such insecurities. Admitting to your weaknesses and viewing them as growth opportunities demonstrates greater strength than not admitting them. There's an old expression, 'No one can hold over you what you already own.' So own up to it and let them know how they can help you overcome this area you'd like to develop, personally or professionally. Share the action plan in place for improving this weakness, and ask how they would recommend improving upon your strategy. The road to self-improvement is never-ending, and you'll convince them of your determination to succeed by sharing your plan.

      Written by Kevin Downey on August 26th, 2022

      Answer Example

      "I believe I could improve my written and verbal communication skills as I tend to be longer-winded than I would like to be at times. I enrolled in a week-long workshop to become a more eloquent communicator. I hope to gain skills in this workshop that I can continue to utilize during my university career."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on August 26th, 2022

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "I realized that I need to improve my communication and time- management skills. I had hard times when I participated in interviews for jobs. Also, it affected my GPA in undergrads school. I believe in myself, and I can improve that by participating in workshops and use that skills at MCPHS University to be effective."

      Lauren's Feedback

      I reframed your response a bit. I want the interviewer to know that their courses will specifically aid you in bettering yourself. Time Management is a self-improvement skill that you can personally work on, but I suggest picking a weakness that could direct improve as a result of their program.
      "An area of improvement would be communication (particularly, in an interview setting). I believe that my courses at MCPHS University will help me be more confident as a student, and as a person. Achieving a higher level of knowledge in the field of pharmacy will help me communicate my skills on a deeper, sharper level."
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