
Loma Linda University Dental School Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Dental School interview at Loma Linda University, here are 40 interview questions and answer examples.

Loma Linda University was written by on September 24th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 40

How do you plan to cope with the immense workload and expectations of attending dental school?

"I have formed a three-pronged plan to tackle the stressors that may come up for me during dental school. These three approaches will address my academic stress, the emotional strain of adjusting to my new surroundings as I relocate, and the financial strain I will experience due to paying for dental school. For academic stress, I plan to create a study schedule that I will stick to closely. I will join study groups to help me gain a broader perspective from others, and I have made arrangements for a part-time tutor if needed. For the strain that will result from uprooting myself, I have planned to join a couple of university clubs to get to know other students and make new friends, avoiding feelings of loneliness. I also plan to Facetime my family every week to prevent myself from feeling homesick. The financial expectations of becoming a dentist are a reality that I have come to terms with. I have created a solid financial plan to pay back my loans, and I enlisted a financial advisor to help me create a student budget that I will adhere to closely. I feel well-prepared to cope with and address the immense workload and other expectations ahead of me as a dental school student."

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Loma Linda University Dental School Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Loma Linda University interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 5 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. How do you plan to cope with the immense workload and expectations of attending dental school?

  • 2. Who in your life mentors or inspires you?

  • 3. How well do you think you performed in this interview today?

  • 4. When you suffer a setback, how does that emotionally affect you and your work?

  • 5. Many dentists have an area of specialty in which they work. What area of dentistry interests you the most?

  • 6. Have you ever had significant dental work? Tell me about your experience as a patient. What made it memorable?

  • 7. Do you have aspirations to own your own practice in the future? What appeals to you about business ownership?

  • 8. There is a high suicide rate among dentists. How do you feel about this fact, and how do you plan on remaining grounded during your career?

  • 9. What was your DAT score? Were you happy with it?

  • 10. Are you aware of cases of medical malpractice in the dentistry field? How will you cope if you are faced with one of these situations?

  • 11. How do you respond to feedback and criticism? Describe a situation where your work was criticized. What was your immediate reaction to the situation?

  • 12. Walk us through your approach to studying for exams.

  • 13. When you encounter academic difficulty, how do you react?

  • 14. What major issues do you think dentistry will face a decade into the future?

  • 15. Is there a specific population you would like to assist when you become a dentist?

  • 16. How has COVID-19 and other pandemics of the past impacted the dentistry profession?

  • 17. Why are you choosing dentistry over other medical professions?

  • 18. Talk about the last dentistry-related article you read. What did you learn?

  • 19. Do you possess the manual dexterity required to be a skilled dentist? How do you plan to boost this dexterity during your dental training?

  • 20. When you become a dentist, how will you improve the profession?

  • 21. What do you know about Loma Linda University?

  • 22. Loma Linda practices great discernment when choosing applicants. What is your plan if you are not accepted into our school of dentistry this year?

  • 23. In your opinion, what is the most concerning topic facing the dental industry today?

  • 24. Dental school is expensive. Have you made a solid financial plan for tuition costs at Loma Linda University and beyond?

  • 25. Tell us about your overall academic performance so far. Where have you excelled, and where could you improve?

  • 26. Why should we accept you over another dentistry student with the same qualifications?

  • 27. What do you feel is the most important quality a dentist should possess?

  • 28. At Loma Linda University, we believe in the continual development of our students, both professionally and personally. What is your self-development plan?

  • 29. Talk to us about your current science GPA.

  • 30. What questions do you have for us about Loma Linda University?

  • 31. At Loma Linda University, we want students who have a true passion for dentistry. What appeals to you most about working in the field of dentistry?

  • 32. Tell us about an area of weakness you would like to improve while attending Loma Linda University.

  • 33. What research did you conduct on our school before choosing to apply to Loma Linda University?

  • 34. Tell us something that we would not know about you from reading your CV.

  • 35. What achievement are you most proud of on your path to dental school?

  • 36. What are you reading right now?

  • 37. Talk to us about your experience and thoughts on handling blood and saliva. You will be subject to difficult scenarios in your role as a dentist. How do you feel about this?

  • 38. What other dental schools have you applied to, and where does Loma Linda University rank?

  • 39. Which dentistry-related newspapers, journals, or publications do you read to stay in touch with new dental discoveries and current events?

  • 40. How does your family feel about you attending dental school? Do you have a great deal of support?