
Genetic Counseling Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Genetic Counseling interview, here are 25 interview questions and answer examples.

Genetic Counseling was updated by on September 8th, 2017. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 25

During patient visits, you will be dealing with patients as they go through difficult times. How can you ensure me you are capable of this?

"I had a patient come in to see me who was distraught that she tested positive for the Alzheimer's gene. While she did not present any symptoms, she was worried that she would turn out like her grandfather who was helpless and delusional as he aged. She started crying and panicking. I told her that just because she tests positive does not mean that she will have the disease but yes it does increase her chances. I also set up an appointment with a neurologist so that he could refer her to support groups and talk to her about potential clinical trials. More importantly, I let her know that it is difficult to predict the future and we could potentially have a cure by the time she expresses the disease. This did seem to calm her down and make her realize that she should enjoy today and worry about tomorrow when it gets here."

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25 Genetic Counseling Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Genetic Counseling interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 12 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. During patient visits, you will be dealing with patients as they go through difficult times. How can you ensure me you are capable of this?

  • 2. What are your hobbies?

  • 3. What tools do you use to efficiently manage your time?

  • 4. Are you actively interviewing with other facilities or hospitals?

  • 5. What is your biggest weakness?

  • 6. What types of genetic testing are you most familiar with?

  • 7. Why should someone see a genetic counselor?

  • 8. Tell me about your experience shadowing a GC.

  • 9. Give me an example of how you have communicated effectively in the past.

  • 10. Genetic testing is a critical decision for any individual. How will you ease their mind and walk them through the process?

  • 11. How do you explain to patients that just because they are tested for having a higher chance of receiving a certain disease, doesn't necessarily mean you will have that disease?

  • 12. Have you done any volunteering work? How do you think this benefits your career?

  • 13. What was the most difficult situation you've dealt with in the past, work-related or otherwise?

  • 14. What appeals to you about the role of genetic counselor? Why did you choose this career?

  • 15. Describe your work style.

  • 16. Have you completed or thought about completing your certification from the American Board of Genetic Counselors?

  • 17. Talk to me about your undergraduate work. Did you take any specific classes that are helpful for your career as a genetic counselor?

  • 18. What was the toughest symptom you've had to tell a family regarding their child? Why was this challenging, and how did you handle it?

  • 19. Talk about the challenges you have had working with physicians.

  • 20. Tell me about your personality. What qualities do you have that are suitable for this career?

  • 21. What was the most significant birth defect you have noticed before?

  • 22. If I found out my genome doubles my risk of breast cancer, should I have a preventive mastectomy?

  • 23. Tell me about your education. How has it helped you with genetics?

  • 24. How will you handle a customer that is uneasy about receiving their genetic diagnosis?

  • 25. What do you think will be the most exciting part of being a genetic counselor?