
Cox Communications Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a Cox Communications job interview, here are 30 interview questions and answer examples.

Cox Communications was updated by on May 21st, 2019. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 30

How would you rate your technical knowledge, when it comes to cable services?

"I would rate myself as an 8 out of 10 when it comes to the technicalities of cable. I understand the basics, such as the fact that cable is delivered through fiber-optic cables and radio frequency. We can also transmit television through satellite. I know that there is a lot more to know about the technicalities around cable service; however, I am ready to learn."

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30 Cox Communications Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Cox Communications interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 12 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. How would you rate your technical knowledge, when it comes to cable services?

  • 2. What is the first thing you would do to put a customer at ease if they were upset about their cable service?

  • 3. In your opinion, what are the most critical steps to troubleshooting a cable-related technical issue?

  • 4. How would you help a Cox customer with no dial tone on their home phone?

  • 5. Would you violate Cox Communications policy to make a customer happy?

  • 6. If a customer called in to report a slow internet connection, how would you help them?

  • 7. What would you do if you were running late for an alarm installation appointment?

  • 8. How would you explain what a router is, to someone with no knowledge of the internet?

  • 9. Where do you believe the future of home phone service is headed?

  • 10. How comfortable are you upselling a customer on their internet package?

  • 11. How has the home monitoring industry changed, with the introduction of AI?

  • 12. Have you ever worked in a call center environment?

  • 13. How would you explain home monitoring to someone with little technical knowledge?

  • 14. Home phone service is a competitive industry. What can Cox Communications do to stand out from our competitors?

  • 15. If you could give a Cox Communications customer one piece of advice to keep their online personal information secure, what would it be?

  • 16. What do you believe are the biggest privacy risks an internet user faces today?

  • 17. Do you have experience in direct sales?

  • 18. Cox Communications sells more than just intrusion monitoring. How would you up-sell a customer to include another one of our services?

  • 19. Give me one suggestion for Cox Communications to grow our customer base in this region.

  • 20. What do you feel is the biggest advantage cable has over online streaming services?

  • 21. In your opinion, what is the most significant advancement in cyber intelligence this year?

  • 22. What is IoT and how is it changing our daily lives?

  • 23. What is your favorite TV show on cable, right now?

  • 24. How would you approach selling home phone services in the age of smartphones?

  • 25. What do you feel are the most significant differences when it comes to selling a service versus a physical product?

  • 26. As a Cox Communications employee, how would you react if a customer threatened to cancel their internet service with us?

  • 27. How do you feel about having your inbound calls monitored or recorded?

  • 28. When it comes to helping our customers, is it more important to have technical knowledge or excellent customer service skills?

  • 29. Have you ever used Cox Communications as your cable or internet provider? If so, what has been your experience?

  • 30. If we asked you to approach three Cox Communications customers today, about a home phone line, where would you begin?