
Midwestern University Dental School Mock Interview

Question 3 of 40 for our Midwestern University Dental School Mock Interview

Midwestern University was updated by on August 12th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 3 of 40

Why dentistry and not another medical field?

"There are many rewarding professions that I could have pursued within the healthcare industry; however, I specifically chose dentistry because I have experienced firsthand how restoring oral health can change a person's life. From a young age, I had significant bite and jaw issues. I suffered for years from headaches, tension, and dizziness. It wasn't until I visited a highly credible dentist that I was told some of my health issues might be due to my poor bite and the tension in my jaw. I was referred to an orthodontist who put me on a 16-month plan that included an oral stent, Invisalign, and therapeutic ultrasound for myofascial pain. I already knew that I wanted to work in the medical industry; however, this experience prompted me to look further into dentistry as a profession. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to learn more about dentistry and help my future patients transform their health."

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How to Answer: Why dentistry and not another medical field?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a Midwestern University Dental School interview.

  • 3. Why dentistry and not another medical field?

      What You Need to Know

      Your admissions interviewer is well aware that many students start their college experience convinced they will pursue one career path but later realize their perception of what that looks like contrasts with reality. Your interviewer wants to save their potential students any unnecessary expenses in tuition costs just as much as they want to preserve the graduation rate and track record for success. With so many career options available in the healthcare realm, share why you have chosen to pursue dentistry in particular. The more specific you can be in your response, the more genuine your reply will feel.

      Written by Kevin Downey on August 12th, 2022

      Answer Example

      "There are many rewarding professions that I could have pursued within the healthcare industry; however, I specifically chose dentistry because I have experienced firsthand how restoring oral health can change a person's life. From a young age, I had significant bite and jaw issues. I suffered for years from headaches, tension, and dizziness. It wasn't until I visited a highly credible dentist that I was told some of my health issues might be due to my poor bite and the tension in my jaw. I was referred to an orthodontist who put me on a 16-month plan that included an oral stent, Invisalign, and therapeutic ultrasound for myofascial pain. I already knew that I wanted to work in the medical industry; however, this experience prompted me to look further into dentistry as a profession. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to learn more about dentistry and help my future patients transform their health."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on August 12th, 2022