
Youth Program Director Mock Interview

Question 4 of 25 for our Youth Program Director Mock Interview

Youth Program Director was written by on December 2nd, 2019. Learn more here.

Question 4 of 25

How do you stay motivated?

"The kids keep me motivated, even on the hard days when things get difficult. They amaze me every day with something new they've learned or even just the interactions they have with each other. I remember one five year old I was working with was picking on another child and I had a conversation with him explaining why that isn't okay; the following week the child was being picked on again and the five year old I had a conversation with stood up for him and explained to the other child why it wasn't okay to be mean to one another. I love seeing the growth even just a week can have."

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How to Answer: How do you stay motivated?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a Youth Program Director job interview.

  • 4. How do you stay motivated?

      How to Answer

      Working with youth can be very draining and the interviewer wants to know that you will be able to keep yourself motivated to continue working day after day. You can talk about your passion for working with youth here, a time that you need a caring adult and didn't have one, etc.

      You don't need to prepare a huge answer for this question, just be prepared to explain why you do what you do.

      Written by Cassandra Bates on December 2nd, 2019

      Answer Example

      "The kids keep me motivated, even on the hard days when things get difficult. They amaze me every day with something new they've learned or even just the interactions they have with each other. I remember one five year old I was working with was picking on another child and I had a conversation with him explaining why that isn't okay; the following week the child was being picked on again and the five year old I had a conversation with stood up for him and explained to the other child why it wasn't okay to be mean to one another. I love seeing the growth even just a week can have."

      Written by Cassandra Bates on December 2nd, 2019