
Pharmacy Fellowship Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your Pharmacy Fellowship interview, here are 34 interview questions and answer examples.

Pharmacy Fellowship was written by on April 11th, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 34

Describe your experiences working in teams. What role do you play and how do you work with others?

"I have a lot of experience working in teams, especially as my pharmacy school and residency training programs were big on team-based learning. Each semester in pharmacy school, we were assigned a new team and worked with them for all our classes that semester. At first, I'll admit, I didn't love the idea, but now that I'm on the other side, I really see the value. I know as a research pharmacist, I will work in many interdepartmental teams, and this experience taught me a lot about collaboration and communication. When joining a new team, I usually observe for a little bit to see where I can fit in and what needs to be done. Sometimes that means I'll be the team leader, and other times that means I'll be more reserved and play a supporting role. I think no matter what, communication is key, and making sure you're staying on top of your portion of the task. Once I'm done with my responsibilities, I'll ask around and see if anyone needs help with theirs. Overall, I think teamwork is really important as we each have strengths and weaknesses and can fill in the gaps for each other."

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34 Pharmacy Fellowship Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Pharmacy Fellowship interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 5 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • Behavioral

    1. Describe your experiences working in teams. What role do you play and how do you work with others?

  • Behavioral

    2. How do you handle the escalation of an issue and when might you do this when training in pharmacy fellowship?

  • Behavioral

    3. Talk about a time you had to effectively work under pressure. What did you to make life easier on yourself during this time?

  • Behavioral

    4. What is one weakness you would strive to improve during pharmacy residency training?

  • Behavioral

    5. Tell us about a time you had too many things to do and you needed to prioritize your tasks. How did you go about prioritizing your tasks and ensuring everything was complete?

  • Behavioral

    6. Talk about a time when things didn't go your way during your pharmacy training. How did you respond?

  • Behavioral

    7. How do you adapt and deal with the continually changing pharmacy environment?

  • Behavioral

    8. Your time training in our pharmacy fellowship program will be action packed and require a great amount of dedication. How will you manage stress as a fellow in our program?

  • Discovery

    9. If you were a drug, what drug would you be and why?

  • Discovery

    10. Fast forward 35 years to your retirement party. What would you want your colleagues to remember about you?

  • Discovery

    11. What three things would you do on your first day as a pharmacy fellow with our program?

  • Discovery

    12. What is one interesting issue facing the pharmaceutical industry today, and how would you plan on tackling this as a pharmacy fellow?

  • Discovery

    13. What are your plans if you don't match into a pharmacy fellowship program this year?

  • Discovery

    14. What personal and clinical strengths would you bring to our team as a pharmacy fellow?

  • Discovery

    15. What are you currently reading in your spare time?

  • Discovery

    16. During your time training as a pharmacy fellow, are you willing to take risks in your project work?

  • Discovery

    17. What drives your passion for success in the pharmacy field and the pursuit of additional fellowship training?

  • Discovery

    18. How do you think social media has positively impacted the pharmaceutical industry?

  • Discovery

    19. What similarities are there between yourself and our institution?

  • Discovery

    20. How would you rate your writing skills heading into pharmacy fellowship training?

  • Discovery

    21. What type of data analysis are you most familiar with?

  • Discovery

    22. Which industry related current event interests you the most?

  • Discovery

    23. In your opinion, what is the most important factor in each phase of a clinical trial?

  • Discovery

    24. How would you describe your personality using just three words?

  • Education

    25. While in pharmacy school, what was your favorite course and why?

  • Education

    26. During your schooling and training, what research project did you take the most initiative on?

  • General

    27. Take some time to tell us a bit about yourself.

  • General

    28. What do you imagine a typical day will be like here in our pharmacy fellowship program?

  • General

    29. We receive a great deal of funding which requires us to keep very close track or our spending. Outline your experience in budget management and resource allocation.

  • Operational

    30. Describe how you communicate with others. What kind of communicator would you say you are?

  • Pharmacy Resident

    31. How did you decide to apply for this path of pharmacy fellowship training?

  • Situational

    32. Have you ever faced an ethical dilemma during your pharmacy training? How did you handle it?

  • Situational

    33. How do you handle it when one of your team members makes a mistake?

  • Situational

    34. How do you handle conflict between team members?