
Occupational Therapist Mock Interview

Question 2 of 33 for our Occupational Therapist Mock Interview

Occupational Therapist was updated by on June 7th, 2018. Learn more here.

Question 2 of 33

What is your favorite type of patient?

"A good patient responds to my questions clearly, which helps me to know what's going on and take proper action. When they are relaxed, I can get to know them better, because they feel comfortable sharing information. I am sensitive to every patient's needs, always explaining the exercise before I do it, which helps them feel at ease."

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How to Answer: What is your favorite type of patient?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for an Occupational Therapist job interview.

  • 2. What is your favorite type of patient?

      How to Answer

      Describing your ideal patient gives you an opportunity to also describe your ideal interaction. When a patient is compliant and easy-going, you have a greater ability to do your best work. Without resistance, you can go through your routine smoothly. Your interviewer will be looking to gauge how you interact with patients in a positive manner. For this question, it is important to know the client base that you would potentially be working with.

      Written by Heather Douglass

      Entry Level

      "During my work experience as an occupational therapy student, I really appreciated patients that showed gratitude for the work that I performed with them. These patients were always engaged in their therapy and realized that what we were doing together was important to them. One particular patient sent a nice 'Thank You' card back to our office for my work with her and this was the highlight of my time training there."

      Written by Ryan Brunner

      Answer Example

      "A good patient responds to my questions clearly, which helps me to know what's going on and take proper action. When they are relaxed, I can get to know them better, because they feel comfortable sharing information. I am sensitive to every patient's needs, always explaining the exercise before I do it, which helps them feel at ease."

      Written by Heather Douglass


      "For me personally at this point in my career, I look forward to challenging patients that require my skills to be put to the test. With my current employer, I typically work with the patients that aren't committed to their therapy due to my ability to work closely with them and educate them on the importance of their therapy to their day to day life"

      Written by Ryan Brunner