
Elastic Path Software Mock Interview

To help you prepare for an Elastic Path Software job interview, here are 28 interview questions and answer examples.

Elastic Path Software was written by on January 28th, 2020. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 28

At Elastic Path Software, we take security risks very importantly in our products. In your experience, what are the biggest security risks in software and what is your experience in any prevention methods?

"As I'm fully aware, cyber-security has become a very important issue over the past ten years. In my current role, our biggest security risk is injection of code used by hackers to access information in our web applications. To help prevent any risks associated with injection, we've implemented the use of a safe API and using specific LIMIT and other SQL controls within queries to prevent loss of records in case of an injection."

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28 Elastic Path Software Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Elastic Path Software, Inc. interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 5 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. At Elastic Path Software, we take security risks very importantly in our products. In your experience, what are the biggest security risks in software and what is your experience in any prevention methods?

  • 2. What experience do you have in the different types of software maintenance?

  • 3. How would you handle a situation where a colleague was being very difficult to work with?

  • 4. What publication tools do you have experience working on during your time as a technical writer?

  • 5. In our consulting services here at Elastic Path Software, we often have to work with people who aren't very tech savvy. How would you handle a situation like this if hired for this role?

  • 6. Do you have experience in developing white papers as part of your technical writing experience?

  • 7. What programming languages would you consider yourself fluent in?

  • 8. If hired for this position here at Elastic Path Software, would you be comfortable handling overall project manager responsibilities for new software development?

  • 9. How do you stay organized and on track when working on multiple projects or duties at the same time?

  • 10. As the onsite consultant for our clients here at Elastic Path Software, you may be privy to confidential information or data. How can we ensure that you will hold client data security in the highest confidence?

  • 11. Tell me about a time that there was a delay in the project and how did you handle that delay?

  • 12. The software we develop here at Elastic Path Software requires you to have working knowledge of both privileges and roles within Oracle. Can you talk about your knowledge and experience of both within Oracle?

  • 13. In Oracle, do you understand what a join is and what the various types of joins are?

  • 14. Our implementation consultants here at Elastic Path Software often face conflicts with our customers while onsite during implementations. What interpersonal skills do you use to handle conflicts with clients?

  • 15. Can you describe the software development lifecycle?

  • 16. What is one unique personality trait you possess that would help you be successful in this role with Elastic Path Software?

  • 17. Talk about a recent successful project that you worked on that required you to navigate some troubled waters during the project. What were the roadblocks and how did you overcome them?

  • 18. What do you feel are the primary features and benefits of the Java programming language?

  • 19. If hired here at Elastic Path Software, what do you feel would be the biggest hurdle for you to overcome from the start?

  • 20. What software analysis and design tools do you have familiarity working with?

  • 21. In your mind, when is monkey testing the most effective in testing new software?

  • 22. At Elastic Path Software, we rely on a full team effort to deliver top quality products to our customers. Tell me about a time that you worked well as part of a team. Are you comfortable in a similar role here?

  • 23. Do you have experience working with different CASE tools? If so, what do you have experience with?

  • 24. What do you think you will like about this role with Elastic Path Software?

  • 25. Elastic Path Software embraces an Agile environment. Explain your experience in Agile methodologies and why you think it is important.

  • 26. Would you say that you are a goal oriented on the job? What would I be able to do as your manager to help you achieve your goals if hired here at Elastic Path Software?

  • 27. If you were asked to review a colleague's code that they had written, what key things would you look for?

  • 28. In your experience in software testing, would you consider yourself proficient in both testing and debugging processes?