
Electrical Inspector Mock Interview

Question 35 of 35 for our Electrical Inspector Mock Interview

Electrical Inspector was updated by on December 26th, 2021. Learn more here.

Question 35 of 35

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your knowledge of electrical codes? Explain your rating.

"I would rate my knowledge of electrical codes as an eight. I have an excellent grasp of the codes I use every day during my inspections. However, there are some codes I do not come across as often, and I always have to review the National Electrical Codes and local building codes."

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How to Answer: On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your knowledge of electrical codes? Explain your rating.

Advice and answer examples written specifically for an Electrical Inspector job interview.

  • 35. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your knowledge of electrical codes? Explain your rating.

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      Understanding electrical codes is an essential component of working as an Electrical Inspector and is often the most difficult to learn. The interviewer wants to understand how knowledgeable you are with the electrical codes since that is a daily aspect of your job. Most local codes follow the National Electrical Code (NEC), but there can be discrepancies between local and NED regulations. The interviewer wants to hear that you understand that local codes take precedence over NEC codes and that you know to check with the local building department if there is a question. Be honest in your rating, and describe how you know where to reference the codes when needed.

      Written by Krista Wenz on December 26th, 2021

      What to Avoid

      Avoid giving yourself too low of a rating, as that shows that you are not confident in your skills. Even if you have not memorized all of the electrical codes, you must give yourself a higher rating because you know to review the local and NEC regulations when needed. You should also avoid giving yourself a rating of 10 because there is always room for improvement when learning the codes, and the codes can change over time.

      Written by Krista Wenz on December 26th, 2021

      Answer Example

      "I would rate my knowledge of electrical codes as an eight. I have an excellent grasp of the codes I use every day during my inspections. However, there are some codes I do not come across as often, and I always have to review the National Electrical Codes and local building codes."

      Written by Krista Wenz on December 26th, 2021