
BAE Systems HireVue Mock Interview

Question 2 of 30 for our BAE Systems HireVue Mock Interview

BAE Systems was written by on May 20th, 2023. Learn more here.

Question 2 of 30

How do you deal with change?

"I go with the flow, learning everything I can to navigate and help facilitate the change. I do what I can to create a sense of teamwork and collaboration in supporting the direction the company is going. As I see it, my job is to make my leaders' jobs easier. So I try to be as supportive of them and the big picture as possible."

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How to Answer: How do you deal with change?

Advice and answer examples written specifically for a BAE Systems job interview.

  • 2. How do you deal with change?

      Why the Interviewer Asks This Question

      It's not uncommon for a company to undergo directional or policy changes when responding to shifts in their industry or changes in leadership. Quite often, employees struggle with such change, especially when the messaging isn't crystal clear or adaptable to every employee's communication style. This results in dissent and a lack of trust in leadership. One could argue such communication difficulties could be blamed on upper management. Yet, poor communication is more commonly the fault of those who don't ask questions, don't actively listen, are guided by their emotions rather than by facts, and lead from assumption. One of BAE System's key behaviors is 'Adaptability,' which they define as responding to change "with positive action." Therefore this question aims to determine how adaptable you are to change and how emotionally intelligent you are.

      Written by Kevin Downey on May 17th, 2023

      What You Need to Know

      HireVue offers some conflicting advice on its site. On one webpage, they advise candidates to "Ensure you are in a quiet room or area, well lit and free of distractions." Then on another page, they say, "If your dog barks or your kid runs across the screen-relax. It's okay. Your employer will understand, and if they don't, perhaps it's not the right culture fit for you. And that's okay. This is your time to showcase who you are and what you can add to an organization." Remember, they are working for BAE Systems. So when in doubt, err on the side of professionalism. You want to exude the same level of professionalism as you would in a controlled environment of the interviewer's choosing.

      Make sure you are in a relatively quiet place with as little background noise as possible. HireVue also says, "And don't forget to check your lighting. Make sure it's in front of you. Lighting from behind makes it hard to see you." So, make sure your lighting is equally balanced. The camera angle should be at eye level as well. Positioning it too low will make you come across as domineering. Too high, and you'll seem too weak or small. So center it and maintain eye contact in front of the camera as if you're speaking face-to-face with a person. Looking at yourself on the screen could be interpreted as looking down, which is a sign of lacking confidence. So practice beforehand until you are comfortable with this style of interview and come across as if you are speaking to a real person.

      Written by Kevin Downey on May 18th, 2023


      Allow some time before the interview to enter the virtual interview room and check that the webcam, sound, and lighting are suitable for your interview before it begins. Close any unnecessary browsers or applications that may notify you and distract you on your device during your interview. Have a glass of water ready if you need it during the interview. HireVue offers similar advice on their website: "Virtual interviewing is similar to the video calls many of us have been using. Since you can interview from anywhere, make sure it's somewhere you're comfortable. You will use a computer, tablet, or mobile device to answer questions created by the company for the position you are applying for. Ensure you've got the strongest Wi-Fi signal possible."

      Written by Kevin Downey on May 17th, 2023

      Experienced Example

      "I go with the flow, learning everything I can to navigate and help facilitate the change. I do what I can to create a sense of teamwork and collaboration in supporting the direction the company is going. As I see it, my job is to make my leaders' jobs easier. So I try to be as supportive of them and the big picture as possible."

      Written by Kevin Downey on May 18th, 2023

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "Change is inevitable in any organization and I feel that I respond positively to change. I try and create a sense of teamwork and collaboration in supporting the objectives of a company or a department. Being in healthcare, I am constantly subject to change, from the way we treat patients, due to newer research and findings, to day-to-day operational procedures. I ensure I fully understand the new changes taking place, and if not I ask questions to clarify."

      Marcie's Feedback

      Great! The interviewer will be happy to hear you're adaptable and open to change. To further strengthen your answer, give an example of a time when you successfully navigated a big change in the workplace.
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