
Industrial Engineer Mock Interview

Question 32 of 51 for our Industrial Engineer Mock Interview

Industrial Engineer was updated by on December 18th, 2020. Learn more here.

Question 32 of 51

Tell me about yourself.

"I am a junior manufacturing engineer, who is responsible for process control for the pick and place machine. My work with the quality control department using control charts and root cause analysis determined that 99.6 of the nonconformances were attributable to poor vacuum in the nozzles. After changing over to higher quality nozzles, the issue became non-existent. I went to Georgia Tech in Atlanta and got my Bachelors in Industrial Engineering in 2019. I interned for Raytheon during school and eventually took a permanent position at Lockheed Martin in Texas. They recently downsized my department, which brings me to your firm today. I was attracted to the position of the Industrial Engineer at your company after I read that they are responsible for the technical support provided to Assembly and Production. Here are the times when I have achieved the manufacturing of products at the optimal possible price, quality, and time."

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How to Answer: Tell me about yourself.

Advice and answer examples written specifically for an Industrial Engineer job interview.

  • 32. Tell me about yourself.

      How to Answer

      Often this is the first question in an interview, this is a no-brainer, are we right? Wrong. 'Tell me about yourself' does not mean tell the interviewer everything that led to you sitting in the chair across from them. Instead, it means the interviewer wants you to discuss what you've done to prepare yourself to be the very best candidate for the job. Give an example of your background and experience, and after you're done, ask if they would like any more details or examples.

      Luckily, If you nail this question the right way, it sets a positive tone for the rest of the interview. The hiring manager will start to find out why you're the best fitting candidate for the position in terms of how you carry yourself, your hard & soft skills, and your experience. It's additionally a wonderful opportunity to show that you can articulate your meaning clearly and effectively, connect with and react to other people and present a professional presence.

      At this time, your answers should focus on the present, past, and future of your career. Talk to them about what you presently do, your role, and its scope. Perhaps you can even discuss a tidbit about a recent accomplishment you've made. When it comes to the past, tell them about how you got there, and your previous past experience that is relevant to the position. Discussing the future career you see for yourself is a great way to segue into why you are interested in the position, and why you're interested and a good fit for the gig. Next, discuss at length the toolbox of skills and knowledge you bring from college and your work experience. It is a good time to show them printouts of your accomplishments in a folder or show the interviewer any examples you have on your tablet or laptop.

      Tip: The requirements and job description for the position are a good place to start building up a portfolio of your accomplishments and skills. However, this isn't the only way to formulate your response, and, of course, you can always tweak it for your situation and as you see fit.

      Written by Holly Chavez on December 18th, 2020

      Answer Example

      "I am a junior manufacturing engineer, who is responsible for process control for the pick and place machine. My work with the quality control department using control charts and root cause analysis determined that 99.6 of the nonconformances were attributable to poor vacuum in the nozzles. After changing over to higher quality nozzles, the issue became non-existent. I went to Georgia Tech in Atlanta and got my Bachelors in Industrial Engineering in 2019. I interned for Raytheon during school and eventually took a permanent position at Lockheed Martin in Texas. They recently downsized my department, which brings me to your firm today. I was attracted to the position of the Industrial Engineer at your company after I read that they are responsible for the technical support provided to Assembly and Production. Here are the times when I have achieved the manufacturing of products at the optimal possible price, quality, and time."

      Written by Holly Chavez on December 18th, 2020