
General Surgeon Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your General Surgeon interview, here are 20 interview questions and answer examples.

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Question 1 of 20

You are doing surgery alone with a technician assisting you when you start to feel faint. What should you do?

"If I thought I were compromised to the point where I couldn't continue, I would ask the nurse to call an associate immediately."

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20 General Surgeon Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our General Surgeon interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 12 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. You are doing surgery alone with a technician assisting you when you start to feel faint. What should you do?

  • 2. You are consulted for an otherwise healthy patient with abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, and high fevers, in spite of 72 hours of triple antibiotic treatment; how would you respond?

  • 3. Your patient, a mother of an 8-year-old, wants to be discharged a day early post-op because of domestic problems like childcare, so her child won't be at home alone. How do you respond?

  • 4. During surgery you call for a certain instrument that you're told isn't available, and this adds time to the surgery that otherwise would have been much shorter; how would you address this problem?

  • 5. You see a patient who comes to you and reports that another surgeon had bad things to say about you; how do you respond?

  • 6. How do you feel about medical, non-surgical treatment for appendicitis?

  • 7. Do you intend to have a call arrangement with another surgeon for vacation, time off, or illness?

  • 8. How important is bedside manner for the General Surgeon?

  • 9. If you order a blood transfusion of two units of packed cells and your patient stabilizes after the first, should you or should you not give the second unit?

  • 10. You are doing surgery on a Jehovah's Witness child who is in danger of vascular collapse from hemorrhage and are faced with the dilemma to either give blood or withold it for religious reasons; what would you do?

  • 11. What is it about surgery that called you to it as a vocation?

  • 12. You are asked to sign a chart for a patient for whom you had assisted the primary surgeon, and you see false statements in the operative dictation that obviously were written to mitigate medical malpractice liability. What would you do?

  • 13. You are aware of a colleague who brags about his meticulous work, but takes on average three times longer to do the same surgery as you do, what would be your reaction?

  • 14. If you were assisting a colleague on surgery for a gun shot wound and he set a removed bullet aside as a souvenir, how would you respond?

  • 15. If you were preparing to do an elective surgery on a child who had some difficulty with intubation (with possible aspiration), how would you proceed?

  • 16. Surgery is often a set of steps that are routine; do you see mediicne evolving to allowing technicians to do it?

  • 17. How do you feel about purely elective cosmetic surgery?

  • 18. Is surgery, which usually means a therapy of last resort along with the associated pathos, enjoyable to you?

  • 19. How would you feel being assigned a patient who required a difficult emergency surgery for which you won't collect any income?

  • 20. How important do you feel the art of triage is in General Surgery?