
Cisco Systems Engineer Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a Systems Engineer interview at Cisco, here are 30 interview questions and answer examples.

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Question 1 of 30

What are some of the kinds of documentation you create in your role as a systems engineer?

"In my last role with a telecommunications company, I needed to create and maintain a great deal of documentation about our support procedures and plans. This included the technical specifications for the equipment we used, troubleshooting manuals, and documentation to support end-user applications. I did this in collaboration with the vendors I work with and other departmental heads within the organization. Our documents were maintained in an online database that anyone within the organization could access who had the permissions required for the specific documents they needed."

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Cisco Systems Engineer Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Cisco interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 5 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

  • 1. What are some of the kinds of documentation you create in your role as a systems engineer?

  • 2. How would you convince a hesitant Cisco adopter of new technologies to update their IT systems?

  • 3. What new technology have you recently learned that has helped you better perform your job?

  • 4. What certifications do you have that will contribute to your systems engineering duties here at Cisco?

  • 5. Have you ever created IT policies for your previous organizations to increase the efficiency of the IT infrastructure?

  • 6. What are some of the online resources you refer to when you encounter an issue with which you are unfamiliar?

  • 7. Which do you prefer, onsite or cloud-based solutions for hosting business software?

  • 8. Do you believe it is important to develop a new training program for Cisco's business users when new IT systems are added to the organization?

  • 9. Have you ever had to create or allocate a budget related to an IT project you were involved in?

  • 10. What are the steps for installing and configuring a printer connected to a system running Windows 10?

  • 11. What are common email servers businesses use, and what are the ports associated with them?

  • 12. Can you discuss the function of LDAP and why this is important to computer networks?

  • 13. What is a domain controller, and how is it used?

  • 14. What is your experience working with product integration services?

  • 15. Can you provide me with an overview of your troubleshooting and issue resolution expertise?

  • 16. Can you describe the role and responsibilities of a Systems Engineer here at Cisco?

  • 17. What does DNS stand for, and can you explain how it works?

  • 18. Can you discuss the key elements of an effective disaster recovery plan?

  • 19. Can you describe a project you worked on at one of your previous companies? What was your role, and how did you contribute to the success of the project?

  • 20. Who else at Cisco would you collaborate with to ensure that new system deployment, testing, and implementation go smoothly?

  • 21. In your opinion, what is the best Windows automation software?

  • 22. Can you describe the function of the Java Scripting API?

  • 23. Can you debug a program while it's in production and being used?

  • 24. What tests do you use to ensure an application's performance is optimized?

  • 25. How do you go about deploying a SQL server?

  • 26. Are you familiar with programs such as VMware or Virtualbox? How do you use these to manage virtualization of systems on the network?

  • 27. What process do you use to manage the configuration of the systems you are responsible for?

  • 28. Can you describe the steps you would take if the performance of a website here at Cisco began to degrade?

  • 29. Can you remember the most recent software you installed on a server in your last organization?

  • 30. How do you maintain an organization's IT technical documentation and ensure it is up-to-date?